Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
Saturday 1-3 pm Pacific LIVE on KMET 1490-AM out of Banning, California. Listen on your radio, online, or with your KMET phone app. Call in 951-922-3532
Segment 1: Julia Peacock is the Democrat facing Ken Calvert, and she’s lying, cheating, and using public funds for her campaign. When I wrote about it, a Democrat on Twitter responded. According to him, she has big-time legal troubles for using voter data to intimidate and discredit a registered democrat in the 42nd District, and the U.S. Vet turned her in. That Democrat, and military veteran, who is displeased with his option in the 42nd District, is our guest at the opening of the program.

⬝ Kanye West, and Leaving the Plantation
⬝ Golden State Coalition and the Vietnamese
⬝ No Blue Wave is Coming
⬝ Enemies Within The Republican Party
⬝ Rise of Socialism, the Coming Conflict