Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs
Saturdays, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Pacific Time
KMET 1490-AM (
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Topics on Today’s program:
- Cultural Revolution
- Democracy versus Republic
- Writer Argues they are the same thing
- Writer Calls “It’s a Republic not a Democracy” argument a “sinister talking point of Republicans”
- Selling America to Tyranny
- Oil Sold Away
- Terrorism Never Reported
- Runaway Inflation
- No Due Process
- Loss of the will to work
- Collusion between government and Big Pharma
- With a deadly “vaccine”
- The Healthy are Collapsing
- Heart Problems Common with Vaccinated
- With a “vaccine” that doesn’t fight off anything
- And ineffective mask mandates
- For wearing ineffective masks
- With Mandates to be jabbed
- Prosecuting Self-Defense Against a Mob
- Banning Travel for Some, Granting it for others
- Students confused about their sex
- Divide and Conquer with Class Warfare in the name of Critical Race Theory
- Crime on the Rise
- Climate Lies
- Aid and Comfort to Child Traffickers
- Orwellian Thought Crime Enforcement?
- Voter Suppression
- Tyranny Controlled Media
- To the point of defying court orders
- And Illegally Chasing After Bus full of Jurors (Rittenhouse Case)
- Worldwide Violence
- Is a Treasonous Coup in place?
- Gun Registry in the works