Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs: Guest Host, Alan Myers … Saturday at 1:00 pm Pacific, KMET 1490-AM
Alan Myers is a CPA and forensic accountant who has made it his mission to educate America about the dangers of the Federal Reserve System. Through his extensive analysis, he targets in his research not only the Federal Reserve System, but also banking (domestic and international) and the national debt. Through his work he aims to inform the population about the reality of money creation and how we may shed ourselves from the bondage of the current system. His articles in the Citizen’s Journal have been revealing, and challenge the status quo when it comes to understanding the free-world’s financial systems. He is a regular guest on KMET’s Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, is a fellow with the American Freedom Alliance, and is affiliated with G. Edward Griffin’s Freedom Force International. Today, he is guest hosting the radio program.
○ First Hour: Alan, Alex, and Dennis discuss issues through the lens of the U.S. Constitution
○ Second Hour: Glenn, Jan, and Diane discuss the issues from a Tea Party perspective
1-3 pm on Saturday Afternoon
archived podcast at
◉ First Hour: Constitution Radio CARSTAR/AllStar Collision Big Stories of the Week:
???? The Money of Socialists
???? California’s Voter Rolls
???? The Right to Bear Arms
???? Sheila Jackson Lee’s Slavery Reparations
???? Cross-dressers and Anti-Bible Congress Critters
◉ Second Hour: Conservative Voice Radio