Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturday 1-3 pm Pacific LIVE

Call in 951-922-3532

Host Douglas V. Gibbs – Constitution Radio on KMET

If you are not local, and cannot pick-up the program on KMET 1490-AM on your radio dial, Listen Live online at KMET also has a phone app, and the podcast will be available if you miss the show live.

Miss the program? Podcast will be Here.

I’ve been working pretty hard since the last we talked.  No guests, today.  I will be your guest.

Topics, aside from the Big Stories of the Week listed below, will be a lesson on the Electoral College, the “From Constitution to Prostitution” moment that left a lot of people laughing . . . except me, more discussion regarding immigration, details about my work with the Golden State Coalition, G. Edward Griffin, and of course . . . 


CarStar/AllStar Collision Big Stories of the Week, April 7, 2018:

⬝ March For Our Lives Hypocrisy

⬝ You Tube Shooting/Shooter

⬝ Illegal Alien Invasion

⬝ Golden State Coalition

Murrieta Battles with Regionalism

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