Age adjust to the bible
by Douglas V. Gibbs
Political partisanship is at an all-time high, or at least that is what it seems to be to the casual observer.  History reveals that the eternal battle between good and evil has emerged many times before, and on the American front in a similar manner as we are seeing today. 
In other words, “this is nothing new.”
During a number of presidencies, including the John Adams presidency only a decade after the Constitution had gone into effect, under the guise of the Alien and Sedition Act, the courts have been weaponized, the opposition has been demonized, and the government has even gone as far as arresting and jailing those who dared to oppose the administration.  Assassinations have rocked the country time and time again, and fears that we are losing our moral compass have raised their heads repeatedly.  In 1662 the Christian establishment even went so far as to adopt a policy called the “Halfway Covenant,” watering down the biblical message in the hopes of attracting more people to attend church.  The move was a disaster, and it wasn’t until Jonathan Edwards in 1734 began preaching about the truth of sin, and our just and angry God, that the moral compass began to point in a more moral direction; launching what ultimately became known as The Great Awakening.
The lessons of history are clear; biblical truth must be integrated into American culture if we are to remain a virtuous society, and being a virtuous society is necessary for constitutional principles to remain in place and for America’s foundation of liberty and economic free market to thrive and succeed.  In short, politics must be applied through the lens of the Constitution, and the principles of the Constitution must be recognized as existing hand in hand with the principles of Christianity and a caring God who provided to all of us our Natural Rights.
Our Natural Rights were given to us by our Creator, and as stated in the Declaration of Independence they are tied to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  Our Natural Rights, in other words, operate as a part of the natural order of things.  God created nature, and our rights, and together they work in harmony; they are self-evident because they are the truth.  When we set aside the rule of man, and we embrace the rule of law, we know what is right and wrong, what our responsibilities are as a member of a free society, and which way the moral compass is supposed to point.  If we abandon those things, we begin to wander into darkness.
Even though the Constitution is rooted in a Christian moral framework, our rebellious nature which is intertwined with our human nature, if unchecked, is willing to unwind the truth and fill it with rebellion not only against God, but against liberty.  The natural order of things becomes rejected, and become replaced by false science and false truths.  In an effort to kill God those who embrace the rule of man wind up killing liberty, and ultimately civilization.
The fact that the success of the American Experiment is rooted in the principles of the United States Constitution, and that the Constitution is rooted in the moral principles of Christianity, reveals the reality that regardless of the faith of those who participate in the American System, adherence to a moral foundation based on godly principles is necessary to maintain the success of America’s society — which means that if we are going to, as President Donald Trump puts it, “Make America Great Again,” we need to get our biblical house in order.  How can we get our political house in order if we are not right with God?  Political stability is dependent upon having a moral culture and a society that follows a specific  moral and biblically virtuous standard.
The preservation of a moral foundation and virtuous society against a potential tyranny that chases the rule of man, rather than the rule of law, is exactly why the Founding Fathers saw it fit to include in the United States Constitution the enumerated rights of the First Amendment.  To continue to succeed as a system based on liberty we require religious freedom.  In order to maintain religious freedom we must enjoy and preserve our God-given freedoms of speech and of the press which were specifically written into the Constitution to secure the freedom of political and religious speech; the very kinds of speech the hard left collectivist progressives are trying to silence.  And, if our religious freedoms as well as our freedoms of speech and of the press are to be preserved, then our ability to assemble freely and to freely associate with those who agree with our political and religious beliefs must follow.  And, when we are able to practice our religion freely, speak freely, report freely, and assemble freely, then it gives us the opportunity to petition the government for a redress of grievances and change or sharpen our governmental institutions as are needed to continue to secure those rights enumerated in the First Amendment.  It all ties together.  They are dependent upon each other.  If we lose access to just one of those rights, it puts the entire gamut at risk.
What if, however, our government becomes so tyrannical that those freedoms begin to become compromised, unraveling like a ball of twine, as we are seeing in today’s political environment?  What do we do, then?
The obvious answer that reveals itself is the Second Amendment.  That does not mean, however, that if we don’t get what we want we begin to shoot the place up.  The Founding Fathers did not go into the revolutionary era with the expectation of an armed conflict.  They worked through the system, strategically applying their knowledge of their Natural Rights and English Law.  Being armed was not to be viewed as an open threat, but as insurance to keep the tyrants honest (or at least less tyrannical than they’d like to be).  It became an armed revolution not because the Founding Fathers desired it to be, but because the British pushed the discussion beyond its peaceful foundation and into an armed conflict.  At that point the insurance policy of the right to keep and bear arms became active, or I suppose you could say the policy matured and was cashed in.  The need to be armed became as clear as it could be.  Without the right to keep and bear arms the journey towards independence would not have been possible.
In short, while we must never be the ones who begins any violent confrontations, but if the enemies of liberty push the envelope too far and engage in their own violent campaign, those working to preserve liberty would be obligated to respond in kind.
Our motivations and belief system must be in line with what it was in the beginning.  The Christian influences upon the creation of the Constitution, and the foundational principles of biblical and Natural Rights that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence, must be the foundation of our own movements in today’s topsey-turvey world.  God’s plan and the principles of liberty and a free market must be absorbed into everything we do; and we need to be on the same page with this.  Movements don’t flow if the pieces are not flowing in the same direction and working together to piece together the strategies and tactics.  We must be true to the old maxim, “United We Stand.”
The reality is that the enemy lies, they deceive, and as we saw with the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, they are even willing to kill to achieve their goals.  They believe that the ends justify the means, and we must be aware of that.  They will play deceptive word games, doing what they can to kill the truths of history, providing misrepresentations of history, and even killing proper representations of history as they did with Keven Costner’s “Horizon” movie (which flopped not because it was not a good movie, I saw it and was stunned by its brutal honesty, but because the media killed it before it got out the gate with poor reviews and claims it must be a flop because they were appalled by the truthful telling of our complex history and contentious journey westward into and across the American Frontier).
They have done all they can to discredit history and the truth, and attack Christian-influence on all political and social issues.  They attack things like they attacked ivermectin during the scamdemic.  Ivermectin was not attacked and disallowed to be prescribed because there was something wrong with it.  It was attacked simply because Trump spoke favorably about it.  They do everything they can to oppose who they consider their enemy, and since God has been perceived as being among their greatest enemies in the current battle for the soul of America, they must attack anything and everything that would support God’s hand on humanity.  Therefore, the family, the natural order of things, sexuality, and even how one is identified must be attacked.  God must be, from their point of view, destroyed and the only way to destroy God is to oppose everything that is associated with God, or His Creation.  Therefore, they attack truth, and claim that man’s truth that they invent as they go is the absolute truth; and that God’s truth is a lie.  They teach that boys can be girls and girls can be boys; men may lie with men and women may lie with women; men can become pregnant; parents have no rights over their children, especially when it comes to their education or personal feelings; babies in the womb are not people and can be slaughtered in the womb in the name of reproductive rights; and a minor gas called carbon dioxide is warming the planet despite science that says otherwise, but natural phenomena associated with the Sun and other natural events have nothing to do with the changing temperatures we experience on Earth.  If you want to save the planet, all you must do is succumb to communism.
If we are going to stop the downward slide towards tyranny, and destruction, it is critical that we become actively involved in civics, and that begins with learning and applying constitutional principles, and that begins with education.  Understand that our duties here are not simply because they are required in order to preserve liberty.  From a biblical standpoint, considering that we are fully aware that evil is on the march, it is our religious duty to fight the good fight.  To be apathetic or complacent when confronted by evil as we are today would be, to put it frankly, the committance of the sin of omission.  Knowing what we know, it is our duty to step up and stand tall as a patriot and godly warrior, ensuring that our country remains on the right track with an alignment with Christian principles and American ideals.

We must, as Americans who understand and believe in the original principles of the Constitution, and a godly worldview, align our actions with biblical and constitutional principles.  We must, as I like to say, put legs on our prayers, and walk the walk.  The enemy is not only at the gate, they are taking aim at killing us and those who we recognize as our political leaders.  While I am not calling for retaliation or some kind of vicious response to the evil we are confronted with, I am calling for a strong and united front based on who we are, what we believe, and where we know this country needs to be.  

Donald Trump, after being shot at, and surviving by mere millimeters, did not cower and hide, but came up with his fist raised and his voice loud and clear.  “Fight, Fight, Fight.”

Liberty requires it.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

One thought on “Constitutional and Christian Worldview

  1. Excellent commentary! Thank-you for saying it so well. God bless you, President Trump and our great country!

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