By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Liberal left progressive Marxist utopian socialist collectivism understands that the way to capture a society is through the culture. They’ve tried military takeover, communist revolutions, and heavy-handed iron-fisted totalitarian control and in the end their leftist systems always collapse.
In the United States, the tactic used has been creeping incrementalism. A slow takeover of the culture by slowly injecting socialism through various institutions until authoritarianism and socialism is not only acceptable, but desired. The socialists, after all, have the best of intentions . . . right?
Wherever a culture goes, the political nature of the system is likely to follow. If a society cannot abide by the set standards of a moral compass, how can they expect their leaders to follow the set standards of the rule of law? Benjamin Franklin wisely remarked, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
Every generation says it. The good old days are long gone, and the upcoming generation doesn’t understand what they should. Each generation witnesses an incremental deterioration of the system, and each younger generation remarks, “You just don’t understand, because you’re too old.”
David Hogg, in his defense of gun control, said he became an activist because adults don’t know how to “use a f*cking democracy”: “When your old-a$$ parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f***ing phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy, so we have to.”
Never mind that this is not supposed to be a
democracy. We are a republic.
The natural laws of science dictate that in time the organized become disorganized. Order descends into chaos. And when it comes to human nature, righteousness descends into depravity.
We are seeing it happen before our eyes in Venezuela.
Venezuela has gone from being a moral and prosperous country to a corrupt, socialist dictatorship with a rapidly collapsing economy.
We are next, if we follow them down the same path.
The level of authoritarian control is deepening as Venezuela continues down its failed path. The dictator is becoming paranoid. His own people are zeroing in on him. Maduro’s regime is collapsing and the country is paying for it. Water and power are unreliable. Store shelves are empty. Pharmacies are unable to provide medicine. Crime is rising, and death is becoming commonplace.
Venezuela is a perfect example of what will happen here in the United States if we return this country to Democrat Party leadership, and let them move us in an unfettered direction towards socialism.
The younger generation in this country have been fooled into believing that socialism is a good thing. Our education system has been indoctrinating them with socialist propaganda. Meanwhile, where socialism has been allowed to run wild without any obstacles, Venezuelans are eating out of trash cans and consider a roll of toilet paper a luxury item.
Authoritarianism is always a sign that we are headed into the direction of socialist system of failure. Death is another sign. We see it happening in our society. Civil discourse is a thing of the past. Opposing views are rejected in some places, like college campuses. And, the politicians are working to increase authoritarian control through the laws they put into place.
Various laws forcing us into using energy in ways the politicians demand are not only being shoved into place, but they are doing so using a manipulated
pseudo-science they call climate change as the excuse.
The democrats have been passing laws designed to control our right to keep and bear arms. I believe the natural conclusion of their policies will be the confiscation of all firearms. What amazes me is that they want government to take our guns, and be the only ones with guns, while they claim that Trump is a fascist. Think about that for a moment.
If a fascist was indeed in office, what could go wrong?
The leftists have been
attacking the Electoral College, one of the few remaining parts of the American System that protects us from the downward spiral into suicide that would happen if we decided to embrace pure
democracy. Why? Because they want the fooled, indoctrinated population centers to have the power to democratically vote away the rights of everyone who disagrees with the progressive agenda.
Crowdpac, a crowd-funding site for political causes and candidates,
has joined the long list of online services and social media outlets in their attempt to shout down and shut out anyone who disagrees with liberal left talking points. A republican candidate told me that at one point during the primary season he and all of his fellow Republicans who were using Crowdpac’s services received an email stating that effective immediately (May 15, 2018) all Republican Candidates would be delisted from Crowdpac. The organization did this three weeks before the primary election in California.
At what point does the left finally realize that their policies not only don’t work, but are destructive?
The answer, unfortunately, is never.
We fight an ideological war that we can never win, but must never lose.
Eternal vigilance.
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