Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The reality is, Islam is positioning itself to infiltrate the American political system not just through the Democrat Party, but through the GOP as well.

The website, Sons of Liberty, reports, “Getting into positions of power is all part of the muslims [sic] goal to enforce sharia law. Muslims do not want to assimilate, they want to take over. They do not want to be your friend, they want to kill you. There is no such thing as a moderate muslim and there never will be. If we do not speak out, educate people and vote against these people, this will no longer be America.” –Deplorable Kel

While men have slept, the enemy sows tares and tares they are sowing (Matthew 13:25).

Over 100 Muslims ran for office in the 2018 Primary elections around the country. (and that’s not county local planning commissioner and school board elections).

In California, Duncan Hunter is not only facing attacks by Democrats regarding his political campaign expenditures, but his opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is the grandson of one of the Munich terrorists from 1972 who committed the “Munich Massacre”.  The Munich Massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, in which the Palestinian terrorist group Black September took eleven Israeli Olympic team members hostage and killed them along with a West German police officer.  While Campa-Najjar claims he is no longer Muslim, and he has distanced himself from his grandfather in a number of statements, when it comes to Islam’s willingness to commit taqiyya, one is hesitant to believe him.

Some experts are warning that in truth, Ammar Campa-Najjar is a National Security Risk.

Captain Joseph R. John writes, “Ammar Yasser Campa-Najjar was Obama’s Campaign Deputy Regional Director in 2007 at age 17. After Barrack Hussein Obama was elected and took office, he was appointed as the Head of the Office of Public Affairs in the Employment and Training Administration in the Labor Department when he was 18 years of age (he recently removed “Yasser” from his name to prevent voters from seeing his real name on the ballot).

“Ammar Campa-Najjar’s supporters have established a national fundraising office to solicit donations from supporters of CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood, Act Blue, and Progressive Socialists. They have raised over $1 million for their 28 year old candidate, who has never run for any elective office in his lifetime. Campaign donations are not being raised from San Diego County voters, they are being raised from throughout the nation. Many hundreds of donors listed on Ammar Campa-Najjar’s FEC Public Web site can be easily identified as Middle Easterners, who obviously support CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Captain John also explains, “Because of … [his associations and] his indoctrination in grammar school, Ammar Campo-Najjar should never be allowed to have access to the type of classified military intelligence, on troop movements, unit strength, and locations in the Middle East, that Congressmen have access to. The potential risk that classified military intelligence might end up in the hands of the PLO in the Middle East, like classified information from Congressional Democrats was compromised, and ended up in the hands of individuals in Pakistan, is too great a risk. To preclude the possibility that the classified operational information of the US Armed Forces, engaged in combat operations in the Middle East might be compromised, Ammar Campo-Najjar should never be elected or serve in Congress.”

Ammar Campo-Najjar’s background can be reviewed by clicking on the below listed link:

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