
By Douglas V. Gibbs

I am a firm believer that Donald J. Trump will win the 2024 Election by a landslide greater than every past presidential election save for George Washington’s.  However, in the minds of the Democratic Party, a Trump win is unacceptable.  They have gone after him because he stands against them, and they can’t control him.  They have attacked his character, his supporters, impeached him, raided his home in Florida, gone after him legally with lawsuits, accused him of being an insurrectionist, accused him of being a fascist, and they have taken shots at him.  There is no limit to what they are willing to do.  They cheated to steal 2020 and they will do what they can to steal 2024.  Last time, they shut everything down for four hours.  We went to bed believing Trump was going to win, and woke up to the surprise of a Biden win.  However, the same trick won’t work this time.  So, for months I have been saying on my radio programs I expect a worldwide cyber-attack on Election Day.

Then, I saw this:

Background: “AFCEA [Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association International] Atlanta [Chapter] Homeland Security Conference on Critical Infrastructure, November 6-7, 2024, with a large scale cybersecurity exercise on November 5, 2024” (link in footnote)

—On Nov. 5, ELECTION DAY, there will be a special cybersecurity exercise at the Conference.

Get this. The exercise is described as a large-scale interactive event, with participants from federal, state, county, city government agencies, academia, and industry.

The exercise will simulate a cyber-attack on “critical infrastructure.”

That’s right. It’s a so-called “Jack Voltaic”-type exercise, which was developed to test responses to attacks on large infrastructures.

QUITE odd to schedule the exercise on Election Day.

QUITE odd to run an exercise simulating a cyber-attack on critical infrastructure ON ELECTION DAY, especially since electronic voting across the nation IS a piece of critical infrastructure.

Type your email…
IF bad actors were looking to mess with electronic voting, this exercise would create a reasonable cover and method.

If the actors wanted to rig electronic voting and needed an excuse to explain “anomalies” in the vote count, or to explain a sudden shut-down of key voting precincts, the cyber-exercise would provide those explanations.

“Well, you see, there was a temporary glitch owing to the fact that, parallel to Election Day voting, Homeland Security was running a crucial but unrelated cyber-exercise, and ‘wires were crossed,’ so to speak…”

“Nothing to see here, the problem was fixed, and the exercise proceeded, as did the vote count. Occasionally, these things happen. Homeland Security assures us that voting was not impeded…”

“Of course, some people are spreading rumors and conspiracy theories about ‘altered vote counts’. These accusations are entirely unfounded. The Homeland Security exercise had nothing to do with the vote count…”

One wonders…

The other thing being juggled is the threat of violence.  Of course none of us are surprised that violence is being predicted — the lefties are potentially violent individuals.  The 2016 Summer of Love was a great example of what they are capable of, as is various other riotous responses to their hatred of Trump ever since.

Word is that some states are preparing for “potential election unrest.”  In Washington D.C. cops are on 12 hour shifts, and “police chiefs across the United States are making unprecedented plans for Election Day and the weeks that follow.”

We have to remember that the lefties are thoroughly convinced that Trump is a modern-day Hitler, right down to the argument by Hillary Clinton that his Madison Square Garden Rally was a re-enactment of a Nazi rally in 1939.  The believe that, as Kamala Harris put it, “Trump is out for unchecked power…he is unhinged, unstable, and given a second term, there would be no one to stop him for pursuing his worst impulses.”

Of course, Trump is not an authoritarian — if anything, the Democrats are projecting.  Their policies scream governmental control…

The thing that has always got me was that they claim Trump is all these things, yet in the four years of his first term he never acted upon any of those alleged impulses.  Wouldn’t a dictator, given the chance, grab that kind of power the moment they are able?

When the topic of election violence arises, again the lefties run in the wrong direction in terms of accusations.  They want you to believe that MAGA gangs are roaming the streets committing the crimewave that seems to be haunting America’s cities.  Their short memories are convinced that if violence comes as a result of a Trump victory, it’ll be Trump supporters doing it … and worse, they’ll also be violent if Trump loses — never mind the trauma a Trump win would cause inside the brains of those poor Democrat voters.

Well, I am expecting violence, especially if the torch is handed over to Trump, but as we have seen in recent history (and even further back during previous decades) if there is to be any violence, it won’t be from folks wearing red MAGA hats.  The Democrats have historically cornered the market on election violence.

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