By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Somehow the worst candidate in the history of this great country has given Trump a run for his money.
For the most part, Democrat heavy states went to Biden, Republican heavy states went to Trump, leaving both candidates within striking distance of the 270 Electoral Votes needed, but neither has gotten to the point that they are in possession of those numbers needed for the final win.
The remaining states that are essentially undecided are as follows:
- Pennsylvania (leaning Trump, mail-in ballots received over next week may influence final count)
- Michigan (leaning Biden with a number of claims regarding fraud, there is a razor thin margin)
- Wisconsin (recount likely, razor thin margin though being called for Biden by networks)
- Nevada (up in the air, but most networks are claiming it is leaning Biden, recount possible)
- North Carolina (leaning Trump, all ballots counted, but mail-in ballots may be incoming)
- Georgia (leaning Trump, but Biden heavy districts still needs to be added)
- Arizona (called for Biden, but theoretically the state may still be able to move to Trump)
If Pennsylvania goes to Trump as we figure it will, Wisconsin goes to Biden as many networks are now calling, and North Carolina remains with Trump, that leaves us at Biden 253, Trump 252, making the final states of Georgia, Arizona and Nevada as being very critical.
With Georgia having a likely lean to Biden because the remaining votes are coming from traditionally strong Democrat districts, that moves Biden to 269, making it a requirement that Trump wins Nevada and Arizona, both of which the networks are calling for Biden.
The Trump campaign is saying based on their analytics, Nevada and Arizona both belongs to Trump.
If Michigan or Georgia somehow go to Trump after all of the dust settles, the scenario putting Biden in the White House essentially vanishes.
The real questions are, “was there fraud?” and “were there errors made that pushed things in Biden’s direction?”
It was interesting how while we slept surprise pushes suddenly changed a few states from the Trump column to the Biden column (Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, specifically). Suddenly
200,000 ballots for Biden appeared in a midnight ballot dump for Michigan making that race seem, suddenly, very questionable.
I fear we may not have a satisfactory decision for weeks, and I fear that accusations of fraud will dominate the news cycles during those next couple weeks.
Also, with the expectations of a landslide, I am dumbfounded that so many voters would vote for the criminal, pervert, flip-flopping, socialist hugging Joe Biden … but, as I explained to folks last night at the election viewing gathering, many voters (especially Democrat voters) don’t know what we know. They have been shielded from the truth by the media outlets they frequent.
If we were to remove what we believe to be fraud, and illegal alien voting (also fraudulent), here’s a map that I think is closer to the true truth … but I wonder if we will ever know the true truth:
At the moment, we don’t know who will be President of the United States come January 20, 2021. And, sadly, it may come down to legal challenges and decisions by the courts to iron out the alleged irregularities and make sure only legal votes are counted. Constitutionally, it’s none of the business of the courts. But, we live in the world we have, not in the world it should be.
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