By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
The Democrats can’t win with American Voters, except maybe those who have fallen for their divisive language, and those who are idiotic enough to believe that socialism (with its long history of failure) is any good for the United States. Fraud, however, has not been enough, so now they are going so far as to boldly, in plain view, encourage that illegal aliens vote in our elections. In fact, in San Francisco, they have passed legislation allowing them to register illegal aliens.
It’s unconstitutional, by the way. In Amendments 13, 19, 24 and 26 the word “citizen” accompanies the term “right to vote.”
It’s funny. The left is so worried about foreign influence on our elections by the Russians, yet they’ve got no problem with foreign influence from illegal aliens who, by the way, follow groups like La Raza who are funded by Marxists, and come from a country that’s been mired by authoritarianism for longer than the time period that has followed the rise of communism after the writings of Karl Marx.
The whole worry about election influence by Russia seems weird when it comes to the Democrats, anyway. The communists in the Soviet Union spent generations trying to influence our system, and there is no reason to believe they stopped once the illusion of the fall of communist control over Russia took place. The Democrats historically have connections to Russia, too. Ted Kennedy contacted the KGB in hopes they would help the Democrats stop Ronald Reagan‘s reelection. Obama and Hillary Clinton made sure 20% of America’s uranium was sold to Russia. The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen details how communism has infiltrated our country, took over the Democrat Party, and presents 45 Communist Goals for the Takeover of the United States which were included into the Congressional Record in 1963.
The hypocrisy really drives me nuts, too. I mean, think about it. While the Democrats claim the Russians have wrongly tried to influence U.S. elections in order to get the leaders they want, the Democrats had no problem with the Obama administration doing what it could to influence Israel’s election because they desperately wanted Netanyahu ousted.
It’s also weird that the Democrats never really ever considered the Russians to be a great enemy, and even gave Romney a hard time (and in fact they mocked him for his statement) when he commented about Russia being a geo-political enemy we need to be wary of, yet, in order to fit their agenda of hating Trump, suddenly they hate Russia and agree with Romney.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary