By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

The reality is that mixed into the population of illegal aliens crossing the border into the United States are those who wish harm on our country, and our people.  While all persons illegally crossing may not be rapists, criminals, drug cartel members, gang members, or Muslim terrorists, it would be irresponsible to deny that those kinds of people are mixed into the hoards of persons unwilling to follow proper immigration protocol.  Therefore, building the wall, and ending the madness of things like California’s sanctuary state law, is not only necessary, but not to do so would be treason against the United States.

A secure border is a national security issue constitutionally supported by Article IV., Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, where the document tasks the federal government with protecting the States against invasion.  Invasion is defined as an unwanted encroachment, especially when it comes to persons who wish to cause harm to the receiving population.

In the case of Islam, I cannot emphasize strongly enough the incredible necessity of doing all we can to neutralize Islam’s invasion of the United States.  Islam has declared war on The West.  They have repeatedly proclaimed “death to America.”  It is a requirement for our officials to do all they can to ensure the American People are protected against Islam’s promise to wage war not only against the United States, but on the soil of every infidel country they are currently increasing their numbers in.

At the border, while Mexicans, Central Americans, and South Americans may simply desire a better life, and that’s why they are literally handing their children over the border fence (where it exists), illegal aliens of Middle Eastern descent are not showing up with their children.  Islamic illegal aliens are largely military age males, and they are not here for a better life . . . they are here as an invasion force.

While in the Middle East ISIS has been reduced in strength, thanks partly to President Donald Trump’s efforts, ISIS is regaining strength as Turkey begins pulling out of the fight.

In Europe, ISIS is calling for attacks on kindergartens and hospitals.

German and Austrian intelligence services report that ISIS increasingly focuses on “lone wolves” for deadly attacks in Europe. Almost daily, specific instructions are given to potential terrorists on how to commit as much damage as possible.

In Islam, Muslims consider themselves to be superior, and if you are not Muslim, you are required to pay a tax for your inferiority.  Jizya, the tax paid by non-Muslims (dhimmis) in Muslim-majority countries are also being paid by infidels in countries where Muslims are the minority.  It is accomplished through the progressive welfare systems, of which Muslims take advantage of in every Western country they are residing.

Voice of Europe reports that in Germany, an Iraqi man lives with two wives and thirteen children on German taxpayer’s money.

In the West, polygamy is not acceptable, yet the governments of these countries look the other way when it comes to Muslims.  In the Bavarian district of Neumarkt an Iraqi refugee lives with his two wives and thirteen children.  They arrived with the first wave of refugees in 2015 and was initially housed together in a German asylum centre.

Germany has decided to recognize polygamy if the marriage occurred out of country in a place where polygamy is acceptable.

“If the marriages took place in Muslim countries, where polygamy is allowed according to the law in force there, both women are considered wives in Germany as well. The polygamous marriage can then be continued without punishment. The Koran tolerates marriages with up to four women. Thus, those marriages are valid in many Muslim countries.”

At the moment the family lives in an apartment in Bavaria that is paid for by the German taxpayer. Voice of Europe, last month, reported about a ‘Sharia loving’ refugee who lives with his two wives and six children in Germany as well. The family is on benefits thanks to “mama Merkel.”

The West is under invasion, by “refugees”, illegal aliens, and even officials (as we see with Venezuela’s Vice President under Maduro, who is a Hezbollah connected Muslim).
But, for some reason, despite the invasion and the war of demographics where Islam simply waits until their numbers rise enough that they can begin to take control by virtue of their numbers, our leaders want to turn their heads, and in fact encourage the invasion by fighting against the border wall, encouraging illegal immigration, and in the case of California’s treasonous sanctuary state law, give aid and comfort to those who wish to kill us.
Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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