Glen Beck takes us down the road of history, explains how government is devaluing money, and how what the Obama Administration is doing with printing money it is sending us straight into a possible economic crash this year.
Glen Beck takes us down the road of history, explains how government is devaluing money, and how what the Obama Administration is doing with printing money it is sending us straight into a possible economic crash this year.
Everyone had gold standard before but this is pre-bretton woods.
Are you kidding? He's talking about the GOVERNMENT printing money they can't back, not people in general.
Sooooo….Glenn Beck…where are your numbers coming from?
if any1 but ron is elected and leaving this country and starting my family somewhere else before this country goes down
@Blacksoljah you think hes lying on national television(fox news)?
Did Iraq have nuclear weapons? Did they say they did…on National Television?