On February 16, 2022, in a speech to the Bonsall School Board about their upcoming consideration regarding various mandates connected to the recent health issues that have plagued America, and the world, Mr. Constitution (Douglas V. Gibbs) explains the details of the law, California regulations, the State Constitution, and the U.S. Constitution regarding the school boardā€™s battle with where to go next regarding student requirements on campus. This speech is in response to a presentation by a lawyer connected to the insurance company on January 19, 2022 where the lawyer essentially attempted to fill the audience and board with fear of breaking the law should they defy Governor Gavin Newsomā€™s mandates. The video here is only the portion of the meeting during which Douglas spoke. Dougā€™s colleague, George Rombach, spoke after Doug and may be viewed at the link for the entire meeting beginning at the 4:49:20 mark.

Douglas V. Gibbs and George Rombach are two of the executive officers for an organization known as The Constitution Association, www.constitutionassociation.com

Link for the full meeting on February 16, 2022: https://youtu.be/EDxalDBSNdk

Link for the full meeting on January 9 2022:

Lawyer is introduced and begins his presentation after the 2:03:03 mark.

You may learn more about Douglas V. Gibbs, Mr. Constitution, at

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9 thoughts on “Mr. Constitution to Bonsall School Board: Mandates Are Not Law

  1. Great comments!! Too bad the board passed the buck again just like so many have. Just waiting for their marching orders from the stateā€¦..and the Teacher's union!!!! "I'm just following orders."

  2. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! You tell them, Mr. Gibbs. You could tell that some on the board seemed very uncomfortable. It was good to see at least one board member clap. God bless you.

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