By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
What’s that old saying? “Praise the Lord and pass the ammo.”
Here in California we have radical leftist and anti-morality Gavin Newsom as our new governor, and all indications are pointing towards him having a Democrat Party super-majority in the state legislature. Nationally, the Democrats have taken over the House of Representatives. That last one, to be honest, was a big surprise to me. After the fact, I figured out that many of the Republicans who retired and the Republicans who lost their seats were mostly moderates and not supporters of President Trump, so it turns out we did some house cleaning. I just hope we can get the House of Representatives back in 2020.
A number of folks that I have talked to are worried. They are concerned that the Democrats have pushed this country back in a direction towards having a crazy president like Hillary Clinton someday soon. They fear that the progressives have made serious ground. To be honest, I don’t worry. I do what I know how to do in the political world, I advocate for the U.S. Constitution, and I pray a lot. One of our difficulties in this country is that we don’t pray like we used to.
The foundation of our liberty, and the pillars upon which our country firmly stands, can be found in the final sentence of the Declaration of Independence where the founding fathers proclaimed their reliance on the protection of Divine Providence. During the Constitutional Convention Ben Franklin ask the delegates when they were arguing and getting little done, “Have we forgotten our powerful friend?”
He explained that they were on their knees during the Revolutionary War, so he found it strange that during the crucial moment of putting together a new constitution they had forgotten their powerful friend.
Have we forgotten our powerful friend?
Have we become so arrogant that we no longer believe we have the need to pray for our country?
If we are not a virtuous people, we are not capable of maintaining a system like the one we were given by the U.S. Constitution. Liberty requires hard work and prayer. If we are not in prayer, Liberty will become fleeting. That said, prayer is only one factor in what it takes to maintain a system of Liberty. As I heard Congressman Louie Gohmert once say, “Putting things in God’s hands does not mean leaning on the shovel and waiting for the hole to dig itself.”
So, my friends, I pose to you a challenge. Do we believe God has this? Do we believe that Trump is President because God chose to put him there? Do we believe that prayer is powerful enough to protect our country against the ungodliness posed by the progressive left?
I propose that you pray about it.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary