button Radio

Saturday Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

“Mr. Constitution”

Constitution Radio: With Doug, Alan and Dennis – KMET 1490 AM, Saturday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Mr. Constitution Hour – KPRZ 1210 AM, Saturday at 9 pm

(All Times Pacific)


Doug’s Show Page

2022/2023 Podcast Page

Classic Podcast Page on SoundCloud (for pre-2022 episodes)

Call in: 951-922-3532

Today’s Topics:

★ Hush Money Trial in New York; Trump found guilty

➨ Biden and allies celebrate their own demise.

★ Democrats Losing

➨ Building votes not working, so if you can’t win it, TAKE IT

★ Stronghold of the Courts

➨ The left’s reshaping of the courts, and attacks against the Supreme Court

★ Democrats preparing for war

➨ Is there a civil war on the horizon?

★ In light of Trump Conviction, January 6 Illusion More Important Than Ever

➨ The opposition must be painted by the Democrats as unhinged, dangerous, and treasonous

★ Setting the Stage

➨ If Democrat Party supporters are convinced MAGA wants revenge and violence, then using totalitarian might of the federal government against them will be considered acceptable…

Mr. Constitution Hour airs every Saturday Night at 9pm.

K-Praise (www.kprz.com)

Mr. Constitution Hour on KPRZ is a radio broadcast that looks at The United States Constitution through the lens of Christianity. The program is hosted by Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs.

This Week: Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Monumental Foundation and Butker’s Response — The story of America’s Christian foundation by the Pilgrims, Puritans, Thanksgiving, the Great Awakening and the American Revolution goes deeper than we might realize; and, Harrison Butker has responded to the attacks he received regarding the commencement speech he gave at Benedictine, and its a great, godly, response. Mr. Constitution explains.


Past episodes are available at the radio station’s podcast page set up for Doug



and at 


And on the following podcast platforms:

I-Heart Radio








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