trump shot fight fight fight
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Last year Tucker Carlson predicted there would be an assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump, and he was mocked because the Democrats claim they are not the violent ones.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously. … They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him,” Carlson said in an interview.

Earlier this year, Alex Jones also voiced a prediction that an assassination attempt against Trump was inevitable.

Two weeks ago on my KMET Constitution Radio Program I predicted that the Democrats have no option other than to eliminate Trump, after I also blogged the possibility (“jailing, or worse“).

The Democrats and their allies have reacted like they did over the sudden exposure of the lack of mental acuity of Joe Biden.  On the surface everyone knew that a public attempt on Trump’s life was on the horizon except the Democrats, who are now running around as if they are shocked that one of their own could act in such a violent manner.  The truth is, just like they knew all along that Biden’s mental health is compromised, they knew that their minions are capable (and encouraged) of committing violence.  Theirs is a revolution, after all, fueled by a desire to win at all costs.  They desire deep down that Trump is killed before he can expose them for the authoritarian tyrants that they are.  They lie and they deceive.  Nothing they say or do can be trusted.  Everything is a production.  Deception is the primary offensive weapon they wield.  After all, they have a narrative to protect; one that has been carefully crafted and designed to convince you that the true violent, gun-toting, authoritarian enemy of America is Trump and anyone who remotely supports him; which includes the GOP, Christianity, and any other group or individual who dares to oppose their lust for fundamentally transforming the United States into a socialist aristocracy run by them and their power-thirsty accomplices.

One wonders if the enemy has infiltrated Trump’s camp, since the shooter was pointed out by a rally-attendee and yet was overlooked until the shots rang out.  In defiance, after a bullet grazed his ear, Trump raised his fist and shouted, “Fight, Fight, Fight.”  Afterwards, Trump thanked those who were around him when the attempt happened.  What saved his life is that he turned his head to the right when the bullet was sent his way.

Questions have been raised about Trump’s security, and their failures during what happened.  How is it that all buildings on the perimeter around President Trump were thoroughly secured?  Was there a lack of resources?  Did they somehow miss the building the shooter was on?  Why were there gaps in the security preparation?

A little over two hours prior to the attempt on Donald Trump’s life by a shooter I think was likely hired by the deep state, and a member of Antifa (a fact, should you look “Mark Violets Antifa” up on Google, is already being deceptively claimed as being a conspiracy theory by “rightwing extremists”) (*editor’s note: While Mark Violets was originally identified as the shooter in some corners of the internet, later it was provided by law enforcement that the shooter was 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks) in an unrelated event I began my radio program only to be kicked off of SKYPE (of which I was using to connect with the radio station) and not allowed to sign back in.  Then, my phone went to “emergency calls only” mode.

A little over a week ago a BBC Host said, “Hey, Biden, hurry up and have former President Trump murdered.”

The Democrats, and the Bidens, have made it clear, they’d rather burn the White House than be forced to abandon their seat of power.

We have leftists trying to blow up electrical substations, are killing their own families, Democrat controlled executive departments targeting conservatives, are opening Americans up to violence by illegal invaders, and have been committing voter fraud (one case where Utah ballots were sent out of State).  They have been working to create fear among Trump supporters, and have falsely labeled Trump and his supporters as being fascists, White Supremacists, and violent insurrectionists.  Then, they weaponized the courts and attacked Trump with over 90 indictments.  As a result, Trump has become more popular, and the defeat of the Democrats, even if they try to cheat to win, is becoming inevitable.

They have no where else to turn, and this will not be the final attempt on Trump’s life.

And then, when they don’t succeed in killing Trump, they will turn on Americans.  Violence against Trump’s supporters is next.  Be careful out there, the enemy is in revolution mode.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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