The Time is Now graphic

Scroll to end for two new articles by Douglas V. Gibbs

We have less than a week remaining before our country takes one of two paths. Either we start heading back towards the U.S. Constitution, or we begin to abandon it. Either way, if Donald J. Trump takes office, or the Democrats steal it, our lives will no longer be the same and the leftwing progressive communists will be unhinged. In power, or not, you are their target, and they’ve gotten to the point that all reasonable rules of engagement have gone out the window. You are a danger to their tyranny, and once they move Trump out of the way, we will be next. We the People must not stand for it. That’s why I educate through articles, radio programs, and online media and why I am active in a number of arenas primarily in the legislative and judicial realm. All of us need to do what we can to stop the communist left from dragging us down into the same dysfunctional and evil schemes that have destroyed civilizations over and over throughout history. I ask only three things: Vote, get involved, and help support efforts like mine.


locally, statewide, and federally

Keep the Republic

Take Part in Mr. Constitution’s Activities

We have many ways to fix our broken Republic and I have placed my hand in each of those activities — and more.

  • Restore Constitutional Education
  • Get the Federal Government Out of Education
  • Grow Homeschooling and Christian Private Schools
  • Equip Education Centers with Constitutionally-Centered Curriculums
  • Reestablish Proper State and Federal Immigration Roles
  • Eliminate Sanctuary State and City Legislation
  • Educate Regarding the Rule of Law and Moral Standards
  • Challenge Agendas Who Misuse Intent of Natural Rights
  • Participate in Expanding the Free Market
  • Defend the Second Amendment and the Natural Right to Keep and Bear Arms (partially through encouraging more States to adopt Constitutional Carry Laws)
  • Communicate with Washington and Allies in Political Office About Reducing the National Debt
  • Work to Ultimately End The Federal Reserve
  • Challenge the Federal Land Grab and Unconstitutional Activities tied to it
  • Educate and Participate in Bringing our Economy back to the Supply-Side/Bring Manufacturing and Domestic Production back to America
  • Stand in Support of our Veterans
  • Stand in Support of our Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, and others who patriotically serve[ed] our communities
  • Work with Officials to reduce taxes
  • Stop Rank Choice Voting
  • Disallow the Rise of Universal Basic Income
  • Eliminate Unconstitutional Federal Mandates
  • Return Community Development to our Communities and out of the hands of centralized bureaucratic agencies
  • Work with State Legislatures to eliminate:
  • The 16th Amendment/Income Tax
  • The 17th Amendment/U.S. Senate Democracy
  • Reynolds v. Sims/Federal Violation of Article IV./Restore the Republic in the State Senates

The Strategies beyond what is listed above also includes current efforts (articles, videos, podcasts, and radio programs) and efforts still in their infancy (lawsuits, State legislative actions established through consulting, documentaries, opportunities to speak (give speeches) before legislative and judicial bodies, public speaking tours around the country).

We need all of you to vote in this election, share the message to like-minded people to vote their values, and help fund Mr. Constitution’s efforts.

Ways to Support Mr. Constitution

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Recent Articles

WaPo and LA Times give no endorsement to Kamala

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Typically, when it comes to federal elections, endorsements don’t make or break a candidate’s chances when it comes to the voters. Endorsements are a big deal when it comes to local elections, but in bigger elections most voters pretty much know who they are voting for from the start. This is especially true in presidential elections. Last minute changes of minds or determining who to vote for based on endorsements just don’t exist when it comes to voting for President. Lefties vote for Democrats, and conservatives vote for Republicans, and those in the middle still lean one way or the other. Most of the time its about willingness to vote for one’s party’s candidate. If a Republican doesn’t like their GOP candidate, in another words, there is no danger they will suddenly bolt to the Democratic Party, and the same tends to be true on the other side. However, if a member of a party doesn’t like their candidate, they may simply refuse to vote at all, which not only takes away a vote for that candidate, but also the candidates down-ballot. So, the key is not necessarily flipping voters as much as it is getting one’s base to vote in the first place. Bad candidates push voters away, and lose elections as a result.

That all said, Donald Trump has been testing the tendency I just described. More so than ever before (even more so than in Reagan’s election), Democrats are abandoning their party and are switching sides. So, the “people don’t ever bolt to the other side” narrative is not necessarily as true as it usually is in this election.

Finish Reading at Political Pistachio

Definition of Fascism

By Douglas V. Gibbs


Donald J. Trump has been labeled as a fascist. Calling Republicans the purveyors of fascism is nothing new. Democratic governor of California Pat Brown, a communist (by the way), in 1964 remarked regarding Barry Goldwater’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention that it “had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was Heil Hitler.” The Washington Examiner, in reporting this historical fact, comments, “It should be noted that Goldwater served as a pilot in the military during WWII. Brown didn’t have any military service at all.”


In the age of Trump, the Democrats have been calling Trump a fascist since he first appeared on the political stage. A group calling themselves Antifa, reminiscent of the anti-Nazi group in Germany of the same name, emerged to protest against Trump swearing that it was their goal to stop fascism in America before it could establish its footing under the fascist leadership of Donald Trump. It is important to note that Antifa in America shares a key characteristic with the Antifa of Nazi Germany – they are communists.


My whole life I’ve been hearing how Nazism and fascism are far-right ideologies. That assumption, however, is in error. Fascism does not possess the characteristics of a “rightwing” ideology, nor is it the opposite of communism as advertised.

Finish Reading at Political Pistachio
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