donkey split

By Douglas V. Gibbs


It’s one thing to lose the election.  The Democrats lost the Senate, will continue to be a minority in the House of Representatives, and lost the White House to Donald J. Trump.  They tried everything to pull off the win.  They lied about the polls.  They pulled more than a billion dollars from the pockets of the entertainment industry.  They went after Trump’s character, went after him with impeachment, launched a series of false lawsuits against him, and they even tried to assassinate him.  They not only failed to slow down the Trump Train, the thing began rolling down the tracks faster as he rose up with his fist in the air crying out, “Fight, Fight, Fight.”  They even tried to paint his supporters as insurrectionists, fascists, Nazis, haters, radicals, people seeking a Christian theocracy, and anything else that they could come up with.  None of it worked, and in November of 2024 Trump won decisively, and the GOP gained control of all parts of the federal government except for the deep state – of which Trump has vowed to dismantle.


The blame game has been interesting to watch.  In their arrogance they could not imagine things getting so bad.  In 2016 they blamed Russia, white supremacists, and white corporate Wall Street enthusiasts.  Back then, the public bought some of it.  Now, nobody is buying the deception that the leftist progressive commie Democrat propaganda machine is peddling.


More interesting than all of that is that they seem to not have learned their lesson.  While the accusations of fascism and Hitler are gone, they are basically playing the same smear game.  They are continuing to go after any opposition and throw around false accusations while avoiding talking honestly about the issues that concern Americans the most.


As the journey toward Inauguration Day progresses forward, and people are happily placing a big circle in their calendars on January 20, 2025, the Democrats continue to fail to recognize that what comes around goes around.  You reap what you sow.  Eventually, your sins are found out and the pendulum not only swings the other way, but it has blades on it as it slices and dices through evilness.  Consequences for actions, especially in the political arena, always catch up to the perpetrators.  They have brought upon themselves the losses, the confusion in their ranks, and the heavier scrutiny that is suddenly making its way into the headlines.  It’s a “pour salt in the wound” moment in political history, and I am more than happy to watch it happen.  In fact, the wound has been festering for a while, but it took Trump to burst open the sore and then pour a fair share of salt over it.


And as they say, “to make matters even worse…”



The State of California in 2023, guided by Governor Gavin Newsom, unleashed a new $15 billion plan to tackle homelessness.  An audit has revealed that $24 billion is missing after all of the dust has settled.  Gavin Newsom’s response?  He vetoed the bill that would enable further auditing of his spending on homelessness.  One wonders where the money went.  His own pocket?  Friend’s pockets?  Donor appreciation kick-backs?  The pockets of special interest groups who have been supportive of Newsom?  Regardless, according to the audit, California failed to track the money, and now there is no record regarding how the billions of dollars were spent.  One X post offered that “Newsom genuinely thought that the gargantuan one-time flood of federal funds during the pandemic would continue forever…and budgeted accordingly.”  Be aware, Gavin Newsom is the leader of the Democrat Party’s bench for the next presidential election.



Remember what I said earlier in this article about false accusations?  Former member of the House of Representatives Matt Gaetz, a staunch Trump loyalist and the type of guy that loves digging into the establishment’s dirty laundry, was being investigated by the House Ethics Committee because – you know, he was a danger to the machine’s power and personal enrichment policies.  Then, after he resigned from Congress to accept a position in Trump’s cabinet, the smear campaign was kicked into high gear.  The pressure largely fueled by the release of the House Ethics Committee report, even though the accusations were false, pushed Gaetz out of contention for Attorney General and the new candidate, Pam Bondi of Florida, accepted the offer.  Gaetz stepped out of the race for AG because he believed that because of the smear campaign against him he might not have the votes in the Senate to be confirmed.  I disagree, I believe he would have been confirmed, but that’s in the past, now.  The report from the investigation, which was begun when Nancy Pelosi was still House Speaker, has now made its way into the public realm and into the hands of the mainstream leftist media.  Why?  He’s no longer a threat…right?  Or is he?  The continuation of beating a dead horse with false smears doesn’t die when it comes to Democrats.  They don’t stop until their target is eliminated … or reelected President (and even then, they don’t stop).  Have you ever seen a dog get his jaw around a favorite toy and refuse to let go?  The media, in the meantime, is reporting that Gaetz’s resignation from Congress and then subsequent attorney general recusal equates to a full admission to all of the false charges.  Regarding the charges, Gaetz responded in writing in an op-ed in the Washington Examiner with, “My personal life is and always has been conducted on my own time and my own dime. Consensual adult relationships are not illegal. Although I’m sure some partisan crooks in Merrick Garland’s Justice Department want to pervert the truth and the law to go after me, I will not be intimidated or extorted.  My lifestyle of yesteryear may be different from how I live now, but it was not and is not illegal. I defended [California Democrat] Rep. Katie Hill’s ‘throuple’ when her own Democratic colleagues wouldn’t.  I just didn’t think it was anyone’s business.”  Common sense dictates one truth in life: Are you who you were ten years ago?  Twenty years ago?  Most of us change, hopefully for the better.  Time and sometimes wisdom transforms us into different people as we get older, and except in the cases of people who have a long habitual record of idiocy, most of us grow out of our childish or less than acceptable ways.  In the end, when you read the report, it’s not believable, and its evidence is not truly evidence, but the testimony of shady people who also want Gaetz crushed, or have a history of making false accusations.  In the case of sex with a minor at the home of Chris Dorworth, not only did Dorworth testify that Gaetz had not been invited on the night in question, the gate log doesn’t include Gaetz’s name on it.  Again, in the end, for the lefties only accusations matter, facts need not be applied.



Lindy Li, a high-profile fundraiser for Harris’s failed presidential campaign has accused the campaign of grossly misusing donor funds and showing favoritism to billionaires like Oprah Winfrey.  The campaign, according to Li, was riddled with “financial irresponsibility and a lack of accountability.”  Li, who interestingly was born in Communist China, stated that she has not “met a single donor who disagrees with me…Team Trump has already reached out to me.  They’ve been incredibly gracious, and on day one, they were kinder to me and more humane than the DNC ever was.”  Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign, despite raising over a billion dollars, finished the run for President with about $20 million in debt; a reality that has many pointing angrily at the high-profile costly expenditures that failed to deliver a victory – the most significant being the nearly $2.5 million paid to Oprah Winfrey’s production company for a celebrity-packed town hall event.  The criticism, by the way, is coming from both sides of the aisle.  Regarding her exit from the Democratic Party, Li stated, “It’s like leaving a cult.”



A 17,000 page report reveals that censorship and whistleblower retaliation exists in government agencies creating a two-tiered system of government giving favorable treatment to a created politically favored class of persons and corporations while also exhibiting a tier of intimidation and unfairness for the rest of American citizens.  House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said of the report, “The Weaponization Committee conducted rigorous oversight of the Biden-Harris administration’s weaponized government and uncovered numerous examples of federal government abuses.”  Censorship by Big Tech (which led to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook admitting to being pressured by the Biden administration to censor Americans) were among the issues revealed by the report.  The committee also uncovered that the Biden campaign coordinated with 51 former intelligence officials to interfere with the 2020 election by signing a statement calling Hunter Biden’s laptop “disinformation.” 



Former Democrat Senator Manchin is leaving office as an independent.  In an interview, Manchin stated that he doesn’t believe the Democratic Party will be able to regain a foothold in American politics anytime soon – and they have nobody to blame but themselves.  In their arrogance they refuse to self-examine, and they have come to believe their own B.S. – and as Manchin claimed in his interview, “This country is not going left.”  Regarding the election, Manchin explained that Americans went with Trump partly because “You know exactly what you’re getting.  He hasn’t made any bones about it.”  He blamed Harris’s loss also on the fact that she could not cast herself as a moderate, a tactic past Democrats have used often.  She couldn’t be someone who she’s not. 



Now that Donald Trump is going to be President, rather than at least try to act like they respect the choice of the voters, the liberal left progressives are still playing the same games, and the recent battle over the budget bill revealed that they have learned nothing, and that Trump and Elon Musk are already a force in Congress when it comes to government spending.  Nonetheless, the Democrats hoped to use their government shutdown rhetoric to get what they wanted, and while they got a handful of things, for the most part the shrinkage of the spending bill from a 1,500 page monolith of pork to a little over a hundred pages was an early victory for Trump and the Republicans despite the Democrats screaming bloody murder in the hopes of preserving at least some of their wish-list power.  The media was happy to do what they could to assist the Democrats, hurling accusations of intolerance and calling out for preserving the sanctity of big government spending.  Truth doesn’t matter to the liberal progressive leftwing Democrats and their allies in the media – only accusations and false claims dressed up as truth.  Hmmm, sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  The GOP and Musk said that any of the pork, after it was surgically cut out of the bill, if it was in fact needed spending by the federal government, would need to be proposed as an individual independent bill to be voted on for its own merits. 



The plan by the Trump administration to deport illegal aliens in mass numbers was a thing the Democrats have claimed is some kind of inhumane action that they portrayed as being some kick in the doors and let the stormtroopers drag the poor people out onto their lawns, send them to camps, and then inhumanely toss them out of the country as they separate families and create an image of fear throughout the U.S. kind of thing.  Of course, that’s all false, and Tom Homan and Trump have repeatedly explained that the policy is first going to primarily target criminal aliens and that the remainder will largely self-deport.  One court case may help Trump’s efforts.  The U.S. Supreme Court in a ruling regarding a “sham marriage” case after an American citizen applied to obtain a visa for her noncitizen Palestinian husband to receive permanent residence status that if a marriage is believed “to have been entered into for the purpose of evading the immigration laws,” came to the conclusion that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are required to deny the application, and the vote was 9-0.  The importance of the ruling is that it established precedent for future cases, and may influence resurrecting 200,000 similar cases thrown out by the Biden administration. 



The insurrection narrative has fallen apart, and the last remnant of the Democratic Party’s false claim that January 6, 2021 was an insurrection will be all but dead when Trump pardons the political prisoners being held because of that false narrative.  Trump said the pardons will go to the “nonviolent” people at the Capitol.  I would venture to say that many of them who were considered violent were not and I believe the questions regarding why some people were falsely labeled as violent will usher in investigations that will expose more than the Democrats would like. 



The argument by Republicans that illegal aliens are taking jobs from Americans has been called a conspiracy theory by Democrats.  Now, a report has come out confirming that not only is illegal immigration encouraged by open border policies allowing a criminal element into the country, but that indeed the illegal alien population is taking jobs away from Americans when the Americans need them most during the Biden-flation era.  According to the report, a record number of native-born Americans of working age are out of the labor market while foreign-born workers account for all net job growth under the Biden Administration.  The number of Americans out of work is at about 4.3 million, as opposed to 8.5 million in 2000.  Democrats claim the “newcomers” are necessary to fill jobs left empty by a shrinking American labor force (which they claim is due to a lower native birthrate than before – welcome to the post baby-boomer world).  The report states that reducing the number of foreign workers in America would increase wages, encouraging Americans to seek employment in those industries that the Democrats claim Americans don’t wish to do.  The Center for Immigration Studies, regarding the report, recommends policymakers “prioritize getting more Americans to work instead of bringing in ever more immigrants to solve labor shortages.”  They warned that while immigrants may solve immediate labor needs, having more native-born Americans out of the labor force fuels crime, welfare dependency, drug overdose, and other social vices destroying the country.


I believe the Democratic Party, if they don’t learn from their electoral failure, may be on the way out like the Federalist Party and the Whigs…then again, the Democrats are quite resilient and have a way with convincing people that their evil ways are not so evil after all.  If their doom is on the horizon at all, I believe it will likely come from within.  Jill Biden might be the spark to light that fire.


According to Trending Politics: Hell hath no fury like a first lady scorned.  Jill Biden, still seething from seeing her husband sidelined by the Democratic Party, is urging President Joe Biden to “burn it all down” on his way out the door…Jill has compiled a “naughty list” that counts the Obamas and Vice President Kamala Harris, whom she has long despised…”Jill views Democrats on Capitol Hill, the [wider] party, the Obamas, staff inside and outside the White House, the media, and all of Washington DC with such misguided resentment that I can’t imagine she [isn’t] encouraging [Joe] to burn the whole thing down, despite his better judgment,” an insider said.  One of Jill’s top targets in the final weeks is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the powerful former House Speaker who led an insurgent campaign to drive President Biden out of the race and install Harris during the party’s national convention. Insiders say the California lawmaker prodded Biden to drop out just hours before he made the announcement on July 21st. Despite a friendship spanning five decades, Biden has given Pelosi the silent treatment ever since, and observers believe repairing their relationship at this point is all but impossible.  President Obama, meanwhile, drew Jill’s wrath after it emerged that he encouraged actor George Clooney to write a high-profile op-ed in the New York Times demanding that Biden drop out for the good of the party. Clooney, through anonymous allies, has since lashed out at Obama for putting him in the position, with friends saying he has received sharp criticism following the election.  Since the election, interactions between Harris, Jill, and President Biden have been equally stilted. The two women virtually ignored one another while seated side-by-side at a Veterans Day ceremony, and earlier this month, President Biden and his wife virtually ignored Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff at the annual Kennedy Awards ceremony. Attendees noted that Pelosi was seated far away from the president that night…As the shoulders get colder, Harris’s allies are striking back, blaming Biden for not dropping out sooner. “It’s almost Shakespearean that Biden didn’t just kill his own campaign, he killed hers, too,” a Harris aide lamented.


After January 20th, when Trump’s policies begin to turn things around, and then the popularity of J.D. Vance begins to rise, I wonder if the Democrats will be able to pull out of their tailspin.  Then again, we must not be too arrogant, for it was largely their arrogance that brought the Democrats crashing to Earth during the 2024 Election.


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