By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
After my Corona Constitution Class I had dinner with my buddy, Dennis Jackson. He was the executive producer of Trevor Loudon’s Enemies Within.
After the meal, we stood in the parking lot of Miguel’s Jr. next to my car. At one point a young woman with her mail companion exited the restaurant, took one look at the Trump/Pence bumper sticker in my back window, and she said, “Trump? Ewww.”
I turned to Dennis and said, “There goes another uninformed voter.”
Dennis said something to give her a chance to expound upon her disgust, but she never took the bait.
Normally, I enjoy engaging people like that, but last night I was not in the mood. It’s always the same conversation.
“Why do you dislike Trump?”
Answer: “He’s a racist”, or “he’s a bigot,” or “he’s a fascist.”
“How so?”
Answer: “Hates Muslims,” or “Hates Mexicans.”
“He never said that.”
Then I have to explain that executing immigration law is not racist, it’s the job of the President to execute laws that are on the books. Or, I have to explain that Islam is not a race, it is an ideology. Or, I have to explain that fascism is the control of the means of production through heavy regulation and under Trump regulations have been eased across the board.
It’s old. I am tired of the conversations.
Don’t the liberal lefties have anything new?
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary