In his famous October 27, 1964 Speech, Ronald Reagan laid down the conservative platform, and what the liberal left, even then, desires. This speech, even today, remains to be the rallying cry of America’s Conservatives. Introduced by Sean Hannity on this video.
the greatest speeches and quotes are the ones that ring true nomatter how much time has passed or how things have changed
lol . . . Why doesn't Hannity ever delve into Iran-Contra. You know, Hannity's good friend is war criminal, CIA drug-runner Oliver North . . . was the funding and training of the mass-murdering Contra terrorists a moral thing???
what would reagan do?
he would cut and run from lebanon, sell weapons to both saddam and iran, then he would send death squads into central america to kill democratically elected leaders while making fun of homeless americans. then to top it all off he would create the biggest deficits the US had ever seen.
Remember he was a professional actor … a person whose profession was to turn the written word into something that could make people swoon… with good writers and great charm, he could probably make anything sound rapturous.
warbler44 is one of the reasons that America is in the shape it is in now. Obviously someone who does not love America for what she has given them. Keep it up people, because that is what is destroying this nation. Your apathy. We need people like Reagan who believe in America, and will support her in her time of need.