the face of technology

By Douglas V. Gibbs


Free Market participants who cozy up to leftwing Progressive Democrats have no problem with the mercantilistic nature of Democrat Party regimes until their policies shift against those who thought they were on the favoritism list. 


Mercantilism was a policy used by Great Britain during the colonial uprising in the American Colonies that basically chose the winners and losers in the economic market.  During that time, the colonials were told that their production and sales could not reach over the Atlantic Ocean in order to keep them from competing against British merchants, and in some cases certain American producers could not sell outside their own community.  New innovations were hidden from the colonists so that they could not produce some products efficiently, and other products like tea could only be bought from British producers and if caught sipping tea from any of Britain’s competitors stiff taxes or fines, and even arrest, may be the result.  In the end, what was going on was the British Empire controlled innovation, controlled production, and controlled any sales of colonial products to make sure that the operations of the Americans did not harm the operations of their British counterparts who were cozying up to the British Monarchy and British Parliament. 


In short, the British merchants colluded with government so that Parliament would pass laws favorable to them and did so in the name of preserving the empire.  King George was happy to comply because he feared American industrial growth, and in some cases because he was happy to take control and not allow American industrial strength to gain momentum because he liked being dictatorial.  Whether it was simply authoritarianism for the sake of being authoritarian, or fear that American industries may grow beyond their control and ability to tax any growth out of existence, or a combination of both, the British leadership was more than happy to impose their dictates and foment their mercantilism for the sake of the empire.


It’s a good place to be when mercantilism is in play, and you are on the list of merchants receiving the favor of government.  When government offers to use their power to work with you and stamp out the rise of any competitors against you, as a merchant you might be more than happy to do the government’s bidding.  Today, we call mercantilism by a different name: corporatism.  The American Government, especially when the Democrats hold the reins of power, play the favoritism game toward certain industries and they are more than happy to comply when it seems like they will receive all kinds of favors in return.  The health insurance industry, for example, supported Obamacare because the law originally required people to purchase health insurance.  It would be a boom for the companies offering that product.  They turned their faces away from the truth, though, when it was uttered that the goal was not to make them richer, but to someday replace the insurance industry with government controlled universal health care.  They were willing to increase their profits now, and ignore the fact that the goal was to eventually put them out of business.


Pharmaceutical companies joined the darker forces of government when the whole COVID scamdemic was being dreamed up.  What an opportunity!  Their sales would go through the roof, and their product development and ability to experiment on human beings with their latest mRNA technologies would be protected and even encouraged.  And, there would be no threat of lawsuits against them, and the government was even willing to tout them as being heroes in the process.  They discovered the joys of something called an Emergency Use Authorization.  Unlimited development, with the government paying for an increase in the distribution of their products.  What a deal!


Big Tech believed the same, when Donald Trump first ran in 2016.  The Democrats promised mercantilistic favoritism to them, too, should they play ball for the left.  So, as the Daily Caller explains, “Big Tech companies became central hubs of the so-called ‘resistance’ against him, firing up censorship and deplatforming campaigns, culminating in the then-former president’s banishment from Facebook and Twitter after the Jan. 6, 2021 riot.  Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Google founder Sergei Brin famously led thousands of employees in protest against Trump’s immigration policies. During the 2020 campaign, Big Tech platforms even censored discussions of the Hunter Biden laptop story in order to curry favor with his father and Trump’s opponent — former Vice President Joe Biden.”


All was rosy in Mudville.  The Democratic Party had stepped up to bat.


Then, mighty Joe Biden and the Democratic Party machine, while at the plate, and despite their powerful deep state, struck out and lost in November of 2024.


Behind the scenes, deep in the dugout where the American People in the stands could not see, Big Tech executives were already rooting against the Democratic Party machine.  And now, with the resurrection of President Trump, the “Big Tech executives appear to be bending the knee rather than trying to kneecap their former foe.”


What’s going on?  How is it that the biggest bucks and the mightiest bats among the league of corporate titans in Mudville are suddenly rooting for who they claimed was their enemy?


Democratic policies were swinging in a different direction than the Big Tech giants preferred.  The Democratic Party agenda had turned against Big Tech, threatening their favored status – calling for taking control over them in ways that they did not prefer.  All is not well in Mudville when the powerful elites in government wish to suddenly dictate all of the terms against you.


The Biden Administration was turning against Big Tech, after using them to gain power; and the potential presidency of Kamala Harris promised to stick it to them even worse than Biden.  Free Market Capitalism, it seems, is a threat to the socialistic ideas of the Democratic Party, and eventually even the most loyal supporters of leftwing progressivism will become a target if the leftwing leviathan is allowed to grow beyond its constitutional restraints and assumed free market restrictions.


According to The Daily Caller, the knee-bending to Trump by the Big Tech CEOs and other leaders began quickly, even culminating in meetings with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.  Donations were suddenly being promised for Trump’s inauguration, and the language has been shifting away from the anti-Trump banter. 


“I do see it as this overt, if not explicit, apology for them meddling in things they ought not be meddling, which is with our democratic elections,” Joel Thayer, a D.C.-based tech and telecom lawyer, told the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to rampant social media and search engine censorship in the 2020 elections.


“And on the other end, they’re acknowledging that the population has shifted,” Thayer said. “The way we think about Trump-like policies is actually fairly good for the American worker and just individuals in general. And you saw that through the popular vote.”


Before the recent outpouring of support from the likes of Zuckerberg and Pichai, Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump proved to be a game-changer. According to former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel, one of Trump’s early backers in 2016, Musk made other tech executives feel “safer” in coming out to support the former president during the campaign.


Why?  What caused the shift?  Did they suddenly have a change of heart?  Did their little commie hearts suddenly grow three times bigger and they decided it made sense to return everything back to the people of Whoville?


For the big corporate players in Industrial America, everything comes down to their ability to grow, make more money, and innovate in ways that will make them grow even more, and make more money.  The grip of government control is not something they favor being used against them, though they are more than happy to favor such policies when the targets are their competition, not them.


Reality dictated that the Biden Administration’s policies were becoming “anti-capitalist,” even when it came to Big Tech.  To make matters worse, Democratic Party candidate for President Kamala Harris was promising to enact policies that would launch even more anti-business and anti-tech government attacks against them; policies even more egregious than Biden’s.  That’s why Kamala couldn’t answer The View’s softball question about if she would change anything about her time with the Biden Administration.  Kamala couldn’t tell the truth.  While her lips said, “I wouldn’t change a thing,” her mind said, “We should have pushed harder on our anti-free market, anti-business policies.”


The policies of the liberal progressive commie leftwing Democrats pushed the Big Tech peeps that normally were all about supporting Crony Capitalism/Corporatism/Mercantilism into a position of hating the Democratic Party’s “anti-capitalist” policies during the Biden regime; policies that showed a “seething contempt” for the tech industry.


“I don’t think there’s been an administration this radical on economic and tech policy I don’t think in like — ever,” Tech Investor Mark Andreessen said according to The Daily Caller, adding that President Joe Biden’s office has had an “extreme level of anti-business, anti-tech animus.”


The Biden-Harris plan to increase taxes on unrealized gains, for example, had the potential to kill small businesses and prevent new tech startups which had historically driven the industry, he argued on the Weiss’ Honestly podcast.


The real target, and the real fear, was government control over emerging technologies – namely Artificial Intelligence and the rapidly growing AI industry.  The growth of the industry is heavily reliant on private innovation.  If history shows anything, innovation does best when government gets out of the way.  It was true with cell phones – which took off after the deregulation of the phone companies and the break-up of Ma Bell.  And innovation happens best when the free market is choosing what should take off, not government – as we’ve seen in the electric vehicle corner of the world of business, which, despite all of government’s attempts to funnel electric cars into the market, is failing miserably when it comes to the consumerism part of the equation.


The Biden Administration, it turns out, was all about authoritarian control over the AI industry, calling for tight oversight of the sector, beginning with sweeping restrictions on AI via executive order in 2023, while Trump has vowed to allow the industry to “freely develop.”


Andreessen told Weiss he was left “very scared” for the AI industry after meeting with the Biden Administration.


“They said, ‘look, AI is a technology basically that the government is going to completely control,’” Andreessen said. “They actually said flat out to us, ‘don’t do AI startups like, don’t fund AI startups, it’s not something that we’re going to allow to happen, they’re not going to be allowed to exist.’”


Andreessen was told that the administration was considering classifying all AI science, allowing it only to be developed by the federal government.


Yeah, what could go wrong there?  (Never mind the unconstitutional implications)


This is interesting information when you recall that during the election the hard-left Democrats were claiming Donald Trump was a fascist seeking authoritarian control.  If Trump is a fascist authoritarian, then what do you call their policies against AI?  And if the Democrats are willing to play those kinds of authoritarian games with Big Tech, who’s next?  Which industry would fall under government control once AI was completely in the government’s iron grip?  Health Insurance?  Banking?  Pharmaceuticals?  Remember, under the Bush (in many ways a lefty wearing a GOP outfit) and Obama governments the federal government unconstitutionally reached its dark socialistic fingernails under the skin of the auto industry.


Biden and the Democratic Party also made moves to sink their vampiric teeth into cryptocurrency, advocating for a federally-controlled digital dollar.


The Biden Administration turned against Big Tech also by slapping Google, Amazon, Meta and Apple with antitrust lawsuits within his single term, aiming to crack down on their market dominance.  Not exactly an attitude of favoritism in a normal unconstitutional mercantilistic relationship. 


Before they started cozying up to Trump, Big Tech had been doing everything to satisfy their Democratic Party overlords, to win back favor with them, or continue favor with them before they realized that the Biden Administration was turning against them.  YouTube shut down videos that dared to spread “disinformation.”  Facebook banned posts they didn’t politically like.  Amazon began to shoot down book titles that criticized the transgender movement and Covid-19 vaccines. In September the Big Tech giant was forced to address an “error” in which Amazon’s Alexa apparently expressed support for Vice President and former Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris over Trump.


As the Democrats turned against Big Tech, it became easier to see through their haze of confusion that Donald J. Trump would be better for their businesses.  They suddenly seemed to wise-up.  But, like Elon Musk, it wasn’t because they suddenly had an epiphany to become “conservative,” or to believe in Trump’s MAGA movement; in the end it turns out that they realized that a Trump Presidency was good for business – well, there’s that, and the fact that Trump rewards loyalty, and they believe their own B.S. that he will seek to destroy his opposition for the sake of the fact that they were his opposition.  That was not an enemies list, whether it exists or not, that they wanted to be on.


Regardless of the full and true reasoning deep inside the quivering gray matter of the Big Tech moguls, for the moment it is in their favor to support the Trump administration; at least until the Democrats figure out a way to dangle a new mercantilistic carrot in front of them and lure them back to the dark side.


Truth be told, they are a little nervous about Trump’s proposed tariff policies, and I am thinking the Democrats will try to play from that corner of the field in Mudville.  Unless, of course, Trump plays his own game of corporatism and does something like making certain players exempt from the tariffs.  Apple, for example, will probably beg and plead for such favoritism, since as recently as 2023, Forbes reported that over 95% of Apple products are manufactured in China.  Either that, or they will have to figure out how to move all of that production stateside.


The Daily Caller states that Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly asked Trump under his previous administration to take a softer stance on immigration to allow the company to source more foreign tech workers. Cook met with the president-elect in December of 2024, according to The New York Times.


“Apple and Google in particular are certainly trying to cater to Trump a little more aggressively than other tech companies, mainly because they’re in the hot seat,” Joel Thayer, a D.C.-based tech and telecom lawyer explained.


American Big Tech companies are not the only ones trying to gain favor with Trump, and protect their interests.  TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew met with President-elect Trump at Mar-a-Lago as a ban on the Chinese-owned app looms near.  Trump, way back during his first term, viewed the social media video sharing platform as being a national security threat and wanted to have the app banned in America unless TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, abandoned ownership and sold it to a U.S. company. The Biden regime carried out the threat and put in play a ban of the app that is scheduled to go into effect around Inauguration Day (or 90-days later if an extension is issued).


TikTok may benefit if Trump’s recent softening of his stance is real, and they are willing to bend a knee to convince Trump to consider ways to reverse the ban.  Consumerism, after all, is an important part of the free market equation, and public support for the ban has narrowed significantly, especially among those who use the app the most, younger voters, with whom Trump has gained appeal.


During the 2024 Campaign Season Trump even spoke favorably about the platform, jokingly stating in a speech, “Maybe we got to keep this sucker [TikTok] around for a little while.”  Postings on the app, after all, may have contributed to Trump’s gains among voters who in their youth had previously supported the Democratic machine.  Thanks to a number of things like TikTok, Trump has become the new cool.


In the end, it’s hard to fight for the Democrats when their policies aren’t good for business.  All is fun and games as long as the overlords favor your unfettered growth and innovation-fueled profits.  The policies of the Biden Administration were no longer favorable to the tech industry, an industry driven by private innovation and small startups.  When government strictly controls business through regulatory controls like the Democrats were beginning to do, and like fascist governments of the past used to do (1930s Germany and Italy come to mind), innovation dies.  When socialist and communist opponents come calling about their many wonders of a fair and equal world under socialistic principles, my first response has become, “under such a system, who innovates?”  Strict government control kills innovation, stifles the free market, and kills the growth of any industry.  Now, the Big Tech companies have finally figured that out now that the mercantilism they enjoyed under Democratic control has turned against them. 


Trump is, if anything, pro-free market, and anti-government interference when it comes to innovation and a thriving capitalistic system.  Big Tech has figured that out, and they are his allies, for the time being.


But, deep down, they are still lefties at heart, and if the Democrats figure out which carrot to dangle in front of them, the fickled Big Tech CEOs with short memories will probably go running back eventually, unless of course they continue to view Trump and the GOP as a solution to their challenges.


Time will tell.  For the moment, Mudville has adopted a new team.


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