daniel penny

By Douglas V. Gibbs


Somewhere along the road from a society that tolerated slavery to one that sought to end segregation, discrimination, and prejudices America stepped into a mud puddle that thrust us into some kind of alternate universe that screamed America’s flawed founding was based on slavery, and the white segment of America hates black people.  We went from Dr. Martin Luther King hoping for a day where his children would live in a society that judged people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character to black vigilantes claiming that white skin equaled privilege and that whites are racist and can do nothing about it because of the color of their skin.  Donald J. Trump was accused of being a white supremacist, and Republicans have been accused of being his racist accomplices despite the evidence pointing in a more leftward direction.  When the politics of the race-card reached a crescendo, and activists were screaming the loudest, white liberal progressive leftists fell to their knees crying for forgiveness.  It didn’t matter whether or not racism is truly present in modern American society, Black Lives Matter (BLM) saw racism in every action by every white person and white liberals became afraid and apologetic.  It’s a funny thing about when you expect to see racism in everything – you will.  The narrative was fed by stories about Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.  Riots erupted during the presidency of Barack Obama as the President set the stage with his rhetoric and actions.  Violence also accompanied the Presidency of Donald Trump after his win in 2016, and then when the George Floyd story hit the press, the race-war violence the Democrats were hoping for began to seem inevitable.


The hard-left Cultural Marxism rhetoric that claims America hates all black people was utilized every chance the anti-Constitution leftists could muster.  If the situation included a white man using some kind of violence against a black man, the story became about race, and the narrative was lit on fire with even hotter torches.  Then, a former Marine named Daniel Penny placed a violent black man on the New York Subway into a choke hold to protect the passengers around him.  The black vigilantes targeted Penny, District Attorney Alvin Bragg of Trump Derangement Syndrome and 34 false felonies against Trump fame led the prosecution.  The trial launched, and the media climbed all over it to prove how racist America is – Daniel Penny was just another racist white person who targeted a black man because he’s racist…


Except, the jury disagreed.  Daniel Penny was found not guilty for the death of the homeless man, Jordan Neely, he was accused of killing with a choke-hold.  The 26-year old was humble, and fully aware that his acquittal was not the end of his troubles.  Black activists have vowed to avenge Neely’s death


The Democrats seek a racialized culture, for communism rises out of class struggles.  That’s the whole point of identity politics and the accusations of “white supremacy” and “white privilege” and any other racial tool they can use.  Divide and conquer.  Divide the country into groups, and then claim the Democrats are for unity, fairness, and equity – at the expense of anyone who is white and vows opposition.  We have been sent back to an age we thought no longer exists, and if you don’t play ball with them they will violently protest, launch into riots, and burn the place down if they have to.


And then, everyone gets to be a victim, and will cry out for a progressive government to save them from the evils of America’s racist slavery foundation.


Score one for the communists who call themselves the preservers of democracy.


At the press conference following the verdict the leader of New York’s Black Lives Matter chapter stood behind Neely’s father, claiming anyone who agree Penny was innocent “has racism in their heart.”


“The KKK got another victory.”


Leaders of Black Lives Matter have described themselves as being “trained Marxists.”  There is no ambiguity in play – they are as clear as a bell regarding who they really are, and what they really serve.  The Daniel Penny trial, in the end, was as everything else in the “America is Racist” narrative has been – an orchestrated rat’s den of lies engaged as a part of the war between Constitutional Liberty and Global Marxist Communism.


It is a war for the soul of America, and when it came to the Daniel Penny case, Liberty and Americanism won the battle.  We are at a crossroads, and we have once again resisted going leftward beyond salvation.


Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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