biden raised fist

By Douglas V. Gibbs


President Elect Donald J. Trump is deep in his preparations for taking office in January, and the Democrats are still trying to figure out how it happened, and what they can do to stop it.  And, if they can’t stop him from taking office, they are working to do everything they can do to sabotage his presidency because a peaceful transfer of power in their minds doesn’t have to be devoid of political bombs dropping in the background.


Joe Biden is angry, both at the Republicans, and the Democrats.  They, his Democratic Party brethren, cut him off at the knees to undemocratically shove the very unpopular Kamala Harris into the Presidential Candidate seat, and then tossed him aside like a sack of potatoes.  But, he’s still a hard-left progressive who believes in the Cultural Marxism and Big Government Authoritarianism that has framed the foundation of his political party over the last century, or so.


His anger at the Democrats comes out in little spurts, often in sideways remarks shot at them.  However, like any vengeful Democrat bent on resistance, the salvos at Trump and the GOP appear often as underhanded hand grenades or explosive blasts tossed or placed in such a way that they will, in his mind, stop the march away from Democratic Party policies, while also stymieing the Republican Agenda and toppling the towers of the restoration of liberty that the Republicans are planning to erect.


The problem is that when the Democrats do what they can to stick it to their opposition, usually that means that also a great big log gets shoved into the skulls of hardworking Americans.  Democrats could care less about the voice of the people, what’s best for America’s citizens, the rule of law, America’s founding, or recognizing the shellacking they received in the election and making fair and reasonable adjustments to prepare for the next election.  Their existence hangs on the collection of power, centralizing power into the hands of the federal government (when it is under their control), and fundamentally changing America into something the Founding Fathers never intended, nor something that any American once it was in place would ever truly want.  Joe Biden, as a result, is shuffling around the White House grounds signing and proclaiming anything destructive he can get his hands on – and his handlers are happy to shove the most destructive policies into his mitts knowing that he will be more than happy to put them into play with his signature.


Joe Biden and the Democrats kind of remind me of defiant King Ahab of the Old Testament, who, despite God’s warnings regarding his wicked alliance with his wife, Queen Jezebel and promoting the worship of the Canaanite god Baal, and despite God’s prophets visiting him calling him to repentance, challenged the truth before him and God in Heaven and wound up dying in battle as prophesied, his body left to be eaten by dogs.


Biden’s defiance hasn’t been limited to pardons and a handful of destructive policies that we can easily recognize.  According to the Patriot Journal, shortly after the election the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dropped a bombshell that hits every American family right where it hurts – their energy bills.  The new EPA rule, made in the name of regulatory control to, you know, save the planet from man-made Climate Change (never mind that all evidence points toward changing global temperatures being a natural phenomenon), taxes methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.  Supported by Biden’s sweeping climate legislation tucked neatly into a law known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which included a Waste Emissions Charge provision, according to the law the waste emissions charge gives Biden’s Executive Branch full discretion on how tightly to clamp down.


Fox News reported that the fee begins at $900 per metric ton of methane emitted over a specific performance level during 2024. In subsequent years, the fee will increase. In 2025, it will grow to $1,200 per metric ton. In 2026, it will increase to $1,500 per ton. Each subsequent year after that, the fee will continue to rise, according to the EPA.


What the fees will accomplish is slamming residential energy costs with increases that will effect heating bills, gas prices, and electricity costs.  While Biden claims it to be some kind of climate victory on his way out the door, in reality it is a kick in the stomach of the American Public. 


It’s not a surprise the tone-deaf Democrats can’t figure out how it was that they lost the election.


Biden, and his Democratic Party frien-nemies are seeking to put a respirator on their Green New Deal in the hopes it survives whatever the GOP plans to pound it with.  It’s all misleading, to be honest – we all know that the Inflation Reduction Act does the opposite its name implies and green initiatives are not as much about saving the planet as these charlatans claim.  And, they know that their policies are not popular, so they use deceptive means like how they shoved the Green New Deal into the sweeping economic law because it couldn’t pass congressional muster as a stand-alone bill.  In short, it was a way for the Democrats dictate their green agenda into place in an authoritarian manner before the American people realized what was going on and could stop them.  Never mind the fact that Green Energy failures in Europe are hitting the headlines repeatedly; for example, the United Kingdom spends over a billion pounds a year to turn off wind farms and start up gas plants when the grid infrastructure can’t keep pace.


It’s all for naught, in the end, because President-elect Trump will be taking a hatchet to all of the madness once he is office – that is, if the GOP Congress is willing to work with him as we are all hoping.  He has already promised that job-killing regulations will get the ax from the beginning, but that isn’t stopping Biden from doing what he can to slash and burn the American Dream as much as he can before Inauguration Day on January 20.


In many ways his temper-tantrum induced lashing out against the incoming Trump Administration is a fine example of what the lefties are really all about.  They could care less about liberty, free speech, what’s best for America, or playing fair on the political battlefield.  It’s all about hate and suppressing any opportunity for their opposition to breathe a breath of liberty-sweetened air.  For example, in Memphis a flower shop announced they will no longer do business with any Trump supporters.  It shows how petty they are, and how hypocritical.  One must ask, considering certain lawsuits we’ve seen, how would they react if a Christian owned flower shop announced they would no longer do business with Democrats?  Or, to tie more into the headlines of the past decade or so, what if a Republican flower shop owner said he’d not sell flowers to any couple for a gay wedding?  Yet, somehow the Memphis flower shop avoiding doing business with Trump Supporters is fine in their eyes.


No need for a lawsuit.  That’s not how American freedom works.  It’s fine that they refuse to do business with Trump supporters.  Let them.  What will be interesting is that when they go out of business due to a lack of business, they will be like the Democrats after the election not understanding how they lost, finding it difficult to figure out how it was that their business suddenly took a nose-dive.


Chances are, they won’t put two and two together.


In a way, you can’t totally blame the flower shop owner.  They were, after all, simply following Biden’s lead – or should I say Biden’s example as we saw through FEMA refusing to give assistance to people with Trump signs in their yard in hurricane-stricken areas.


In 1801, once he took office, President Thomas Jefferson fired federal workers who were members of the big-government Federalist Party, in a sense draining the swamp of his era.  What followed was a two-decade decline and death of Alexander Hamilton’s political party that had been bent on centralizing as much power into the clutches of the federal government as they could.  It took decades for another big-government party to emerge, and the time period between the death of the Federalist Party and the rise of the Democratic Party was known as the Era of Good Feelings.  Jefferson knew that the true power of an ideology is not in the political party that represented it, but in the entrenched bureaucrats who pull the levers and turn the dials deep in the lower decks in the engine room of the federal government’s machinery.


Trump has recognized the same problem in modern politics, and proclaimed it was his aim to drain the swamp even back in 2015 when he first emerged on the political scene.  The problem was when he got into office it turned out that the swamp was deeper than he thought.  He jumped in with hip-boots on, but the sludge climbed up to his chin.


He won’t make the same mistake this time – which is a large part of the reason for the creation of the Department of Government Efficiency led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.  It’ll be entertaining to watch at worst, and it will change the face of politics and the federal government at best.  The Democrats know that the heartbeat of their power resides in the deep state, and Biden is also trying to take steps to save that little nugget of authoritarian control by the Democrats.


One of the things that began to turn public education upside down was COVID.  In the classrooms, the teachers could operate without the trusting parents becoming aware of the dirty little indoctrination strategies put in place by public schools.  When their children went to school remotely by computer at home during the pandemic, the parents were able to look over their children’s shoulders, and what they witnessed appalled them.  It was a lesson Americans should recognize across the board.  The opposition to liberty do their most damaging work in the dark, when they believe nobody is looking.


Government workers, the staffers in Washington D.C. who turn the crank to keep the government engine firing, found a new dark place to hide after COVID slashed and burned its way through American Liberty.  They were able to work from home.  They have retained the option to work at home since the scamdemic worked its way into the final year of Trump’s first presidency.  Knowing that the deep state is among the Democrat Party’s greatest weapons, and that their work operates best when out of sight, the Biden Administration has reached a contract agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) labor union to allow workers to continue to work from home until 2029 – coincidentally the span of Trump’s term as President.


Imagine that!


The deal was brokered to resist the efforts of Trump’s incoming Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and so as to “secure staffing levels” which means they are going to make it harder for the Trump Administration to let these people go – even if doing so would reduce government spending and optimize operations.  Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have both verbalized their desire through DOGE to eradicate work-from-home policies and to reduce the size of the federal workforce.


“Requiring federal employees to come to the office five days a week would result in a wave of voluntary terminations that we welcome,” the pair wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published in November.  Constitutionally, labor union contract terms do not supersede federal law, but the Democrats are going to do all they can to stop any draining of the swamp anyway, even if it means kicking and clawing illegally along the way.


Biden and the Democrats also realize that there is power in the courts, so Ice Cream Joe and key Democrats plan to come out against a bipartisan bill that would create 63 new permanent judgeships – not because they think we don’t need the judicial benches added, but to stop Donald Trump from filling twenty-two of those seats.  The White House said that Biden will veto the bill when it reaches his desk, even though he and the Democrats supported it prior to the election – it passed unanimously in the Senate over the summer.  The House of Representatives still has yet to hold a vote regarding the bill.  The need for the bill, according to judges of all political stripes, is that there have been staffing shortages which has caused a major backlog in cases, a need Democrats wish to leave unattended so that they can stand against Trump – proof that their hatred for Trump and plan to resist his policies are more important than justice, or making sure that we maintain an orderly society.


Biden’s biggest hammer has been swung in the name of presidential pardons.  In addition to his sweeping blanket pardon of Hunter Biden, Biden has pardoned 39 people, and commuted the sentences for nearly 1,500 – breaking the presidential record for commuting more sentences than any other President, save for Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman whose actions were directly tied mostly to World War II and the Great Depression.


According to the White House the pardons were for people convicted of nonviolent crimes like drug offenses.  Biden said the pardons were in the name of “mercy” and giving “second chances.”  Among those pardoned were also former military members convicted of sodomy.  The Biden team has stated that “there is more to come.”


Democrats have praised the pardons, calling them a step towards correcting harms and injecting fairness into our justice system. 


While Biden has also floated the idea of issuing pre-pardons for certain persons who it is believed the Trump Administration may investigate, some Democratic allies, like Former President Bill Clinton, have advised against such a move.


I wonder if the Democrats will be so understanding when Trump pardons the January 6ers.


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