According to the CDC if you get the shot in the arm you may still come down with the ailment it is supposed to protect you from. You still need to wear a facial arm band, and lockdown may be eminent. But, the push to make sure everyone gets the poke in the arm is heavily underway. Confused? Then, we have to ask, with a rumor going around that the Biden Administration may be mandating the arm jab, can they legally do such a thing based on constitutional and historical information?
Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs explains. and
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Good information Doug.
My question is; why are the vaccinated people concerned about the non-vaccinated? Aren't they protected which is the whole point of taking a vaccine? Also, aren't the non-vaccinated being discriminated against with some of the current restriction being discussed and placed regarding employment, education or patronizing an establishment open to the public? I consider masks wearing a personal health decision as well. I am astonished and outraged at what is happening in a country that is a constitutional republic.
Is Pennsylvania one of the states whose constitution allows refusal of the jab?
Totally agree Krista
During Martial Law, can The Constitution be suspended?
Thank you Douglas. I was trying to find you on patriot Street fighter on Tuesdays and I never got any more of your shows after about six weeks ago I believe you were up to Article 2 section 1 the executive section.? So interesting it matters I must’ve given out 20 pocket constitutions thank you so much for all you do