By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
Racism is the final accusation of a desperate political ideology, and the tool that former Russian communists said the Marxists would use as a part of their ideological subversion in the United States to achieve their “revolution.” Violence is the final desperate act of scoundrels bent on change, and realizing that the bourgeoisie is not quite as ready to leap into socialism as they thought. And if they don’t get what they think they want, they are ready to burn it all down, because their Marxist puppeteers told them to.
A commenter on a recent article wrote that I am not even aware of my [white] privilege. Does that apply to my Mexican wife? My mixed grandchildren who are a mixture of white, Mexican, and Filipino or Puerto Rican (depending on which ones)? Does that apply to my good friend Harry who is Puerto Rican and agrees with me on this stuff? How about my video making counterpart Alfonzo Rachel, who is black?
Black Lives Matter is the Democrat Party’s KKK, but slightly different. The KKK terrorized blacks and white republicans, and now the BLM terrorizes whites and black republicans. Same thing, with a slight twist. Making the screaming children running around in the streets calling for change the true racists…and desperate ones, at that.
We are witnessing the desperate cry of a group of revolutionaries who don’t understand why there is a resistance to their cry for socialism. Every tyranny has in common the need for a common enemy. A perpetual enemy. A battle cry for the revolution, and a unifying factor for the foot soldiers to fight against.
From the annals of true history regarding communism, fascism, and other dictatorial systems, to George Orwell’s 1984, the same is true. Tyranny, to survive, needs two things. A perpetual enemy, and a free market system to become a parasite on. However, if America falls, the host is dead, and so will be the parasite. There will be no producers remaining to suck off of.
The supporters of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and this latest round of radicalism that is reminiscent of the operations of the Black Panthers and Weather Underground from the late sixties and into 1970 is nothing new, and the connections to the old Weather Underground group are striking. They are following the same playbook, and they are saying the same things. Except, this time there is a President in office, Donald J. Trump, and a conservative electorate, who are aware of what these radicals are truly all about. Therefore, it’s not working as well as the radicals thought it would. So, they are becoming desperate. Desperate pawns, desperate tools, desperate children throwing a temper tantrum in the hopes of overturning and overthrowing the American System. They remind me of dogs chasing cars, not really knowing what they would do with it if ever they caught it, and they are definitely not intelligent enough to drive it if every they got behind the wheel.
They are not smart enough to know that they don’t know. This is outright stupidity. They are nothing more than foot soldiers for a larger leftist power, that, if it ever gains control of this country, will execute each and every one of them as a thank you, in the name of them knowing too much. The communists did it. The fascists did it. And these radical rulers will do it if the treason against the United States succeeds. So, little children calling for defunding and dismantling the police, like the person who commented on one of my articles, calling what I wrote “cute” and that their fight is against the “white power structure,” simply proves how ignorant the commenter is, and how much of a throw-away tool that person is. Be warned, be careful for what you wish for, because it will likely cost you your life, not while fighting in what you think will be a glorious revolution, but by execution by the very power structure you think you are in support of. And be aware, the power structure the protesters and rioters claim to hate, big corporate America, are the very ones helping them do what they are doing, because the power structure the rioters think they hate are largely the puppeteers pulling these ignorant people’s strings.
I wrote in 2016 before Trump was even elected that this was on its way, because they do the same thing every time.
Here’s some of the highlights as I write to defend the republic, and explain the dangers of democracy, and leftist mob mentality:
- Democracy is mob-rule, which becomes mob-violence, led by people who populate our current ineptocracy. The recipients in such a movement are the takers, the parasites who suck the life out of liberty and the free market. Eventually, the takers begin to demand a redistribution of wealth in the name of fairness. As the non-producers become fat and satisfied from the confiscation of wealth from the producers, eventually the takers outnumber the producers, and the fate of the system is set. Disaster can be the only result.
- It has now become the idea that some people have a legitimate right to forcibly control others. From their point of view, theirs is the best idea, therefore all other concepts must be squashed. No concept that may challenge the superior ideas by the statists can be allowed. All citizens must have faith that the religion of big government is what must be worshiped, and must stand alone. Any dissent will be eliminated.
- are willing to resort to violence, if necessary, to defend those ideas. They ritualize the actions of the government, surrounding the leaders with children and supporters whenever they sign a piece of legislation. Then, the radicals who have performed an internal coup rabble-rouse, using the uniforms of authority they have acquired, be it police, federal enforcement agencies, or judges, to accomplish their strategy. Yet, as they don the uniform, they continue to argue they are the ones who stand against the uniform. They are battling against “The Man,” even though they have become “The Man.”
- The persons tasked with policing look too much like the enemy the liberal leftists are trying to dislodge. Even the denizens of law enforcement must be broken up, retrained, and made to be in full compliance with the new order that is rising like a blossoming religion. “If you want the world fixed,” the citizens are told, “you need to take to the streets, and stop those sinners who are standing in the way of a new dawn. You must be a citizen army of agitators and activists.” Democracy is mob-rule, and mob-rule is mob-violence. This is what they seek. The republic is being assassinated.
- designed to batter dissenters into submission. The same concept is being employed by the current authoritarians in government, masked with faces of good intentions. BlackLivesMatter and the Black Panthers say they exist to combat racism. How can one argue? We know that racism is bad, and so those combating it are noble, right? Except the Democrat Party method of combating racism is with their own brand of racism, using violence to target those who dare to disagree.
- law enforcement has also become a target. Chaos, after all, destroys, and then from the rubble the statists may remake society into the image they believe is the best. Cops who stand in the way will be attacked and removed. Cops who believe in the Democrat Party’s cause will survive the attacks being perpetrated by the new American brownshirts. Those rare cops are considered allies. All others must be exterminated.
Like the radical agitators of other revolutions before them, the tearing down of statues have nothing to do with what they say it is (in this case, racism), it is all about deconstructing our history. The shutdown orders or fake news of inflated numbers of COVID19 cases have nothing to do with a virus, it is all about locking you up at home so that you are out of the way of the revolution, and become accustomed to your new limitations on freedom. The 1619 Project is a fraud, and designed to deconstruct our founding as a country of liberty. The mandate to wear masks is simply an authoritarian order designed to get you accustomed to that kind of rule over you. Idiotic leaders like those in San Bernardino County have even gone so far as to declare that racism is a health crisis.
But, in the end, I believe this will all backfire on them, giving President Trump a landslide victory in November and launching a new era that may end in the dismantling of the old Democratic Party…that is if the country doesn’t burn down in the meantime.