Douglas V. Gibbs, in addition to being an author of five books (four specifically regarding the United States Constitution) and a radio host with a worldwide audience, is also a renowned public speaker. His menu of speeches includes:
- Constitution 101
- A Free and Dynamic Economic Market
- 4 Keys to Understanding the U.S. Constitution
- The Federal Reserve
- The Truth about State Sovereignty
- Abortion: America’s Genocide
- A Republic, Not a Democracy
- Legislative Powers
- The President Shall Faithfully Execute
- Activist Court System: From Judicial Review to Case Law Tyranny
- Understanding the Language of the Constitution
- A Well Regulated Militia
- Testimony: From Death’s Bed to America’s Constitution Authority
In the coming month of February, 2018, Douglas V. Gibbs will be speaking at two events.
South Bay Republican Women Federated
February Meeting
Thursday, February 8th at 11 AM
We cordially invite you to hear Douglas V. Gibbs, Founder of the Constitution Association, Author, Instructor, Radio Host and Renowned Public Speaker.
The meeting will be at the
Torrance Doubletree Hotel, 21333 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA.
Lunch Menu: The cost is $37.00
Please make your luncheon Reservation by calling Mary Ann Williams at (310) 994-1573
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