I thought the whole world loved this guy – watch Obama’s face as his handshake is continuously ignored. No teleprompter, no adoring fans. . . he is truly confused.
I thought the whole world loved this guy – watch Obama’s face as his handshake is continuously ignored. No teleprompter, no adoring fans. . . he is truly confused.
Then he is a god then, or a damn good ventriloquist. His lips almost never moved.
This is not a snub… he's simply introducing the guy next to him to the Russians. Don't get me wrong, I CANNOT STAND what Obama is doing to our country and think he should be stopped at all turns. He's raving socialist and a manic ideologue and he's fucking the country up, BIG TIME. But this vid being called a snub-job is just a joke meant to piss off the Libs.
From first sight its looks funny. But we easily can understand Obama is introducing his administration or smth.
Despite your stupid claim, to the contrary, if you watch the video, you can clearly see that President Obama was introducing members of the American delegation to Russian President Medvedev . Dumbass!
Looking at it again it clearly is that Pres.Obama is introducing his peeps to the Russian leaders. Not a fan of this administration but if it was the case that the Russians were ignoring his hand shake well they would be the classless ones, and that would be just big time wrong, but that is not what was happening.
@ChatteNoire24 Okay.. Without begining a long debate here I'm just gonna go and tell ya that comment I made 5 months ago was not serious at all, sarcasm.
@762lenny No they did not. That is because they are not Russians, but Americans. The great thing about facts is that they're true whether you believe them or not.
Disrespecful, this is very wrong because it doesnt matter whoever he is if someone extend his hand to salute you shake his hand.
O's body language is "let's shake"….no intro…sorry darivsaarchiects…
i wouldnt shake his hand either. he is not good for the USA!
He is a "raving socialist" how?
@DifangDuana What? You don't understand that Obama's program to have government control healthcare, schools, trade between States, business, etc., etc., etc. isn't defined as SOCIALISM? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….
Next time I'll make sure he points at his associates like a WWE wrestler so there's no confusion.
LMAO I wouldn't shake his hand either. He hasn't done one good thing for America.
@jackslater230011 the reason why is u racist fucks wont let his bills get passed
OUCH! Jeez!
it looks likes hes introducing the people to his guest? doesnt look like a snub to me.