By Douglas V. Gibbs
Every issue is a rule of law issue. That is what the federal republic was established on way back in 1787 when the U.S. Constitution was written. The word republic means The Public Thing, or The Rule of Law; what’s morally right is supposed to come before what the people democratically demand. For example, a representative is supposed to follow the rule of law before the demands of their voters – for example: if a majority of the people demanded that people with green eyes should be rounded up and exiled, a representative knowing that is against the rule of law would not follow the demand of the people because they would know that doing such a thing would be wrong. The wrongness of it would be self-evident to the representative, and they would instead follow the rule of law. English political philosopher John Locke spoke of the natural order of things, of which is divinely dispensated, from which we get our concepts of Natural Rights and the Rule of Law. Thomas Jefferson explains in the Declaration of Independence that not only are our rights endowed upon us by The Creator, and our rights are something we are to be able to pursue without government interference, but that “These truths are self-evident.” We have a moral foundation, a standard of morality by which we live by provided to us divinely – we know the truth, we know the lies. We know right and wrong. It is self-evident what the rule of law is.
That, I believe, is what it came down to on November 5, 2024 when Donald Trump was elected President (again), and did so with the popular vote along with the Electoral College, and with both Houses of Congress. Andrew Breitbart used to say that “politics is downstream from culture.” A virtuous people will vote for virtuous leaders, and a virtuous people will expect virtuous laws and virtuous moral standards in their society.
Benjamin Franklin wisely put it this way: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
You get the kind of government your morality, or lack of morality, demands. And, to paraphrase Franklin a bit, when morality goes out the window and the line between right and wrong becomes blurry the government must tighten its grip to keep it all from descending into chaos.
I learned early in life that we, as human beings, need boundaries. We have a human nature that is capable of going wayward quite easily. We constantly battle with our flesh, argues biblical teachings. None of us are truly worthy. We all fall short of the glory of God. Chaos can easily disrupt the natural order of things, and so can our human nature. The natural order of things operates with boundaries. From electrons to planets, things operate with specific orbits or designed paths. When those orbits or paths are disrupted, chaos ensues. Plants grow when the conditions favor their growth. The seed needs nutrients from the soil, water, sunlight, and space to grow. If those conditions are not met, the plant will likely not grow in the manner it is supposed to. Its path will be disrupted. The rules for the growth of a healthy plant must be applied, and followed – the boundaries must be in place. One cannot substitute oil in the place of the water, and chopped up plastic and rubber in the place of the soil and expect a proper result to transpire. The plant will die. A society is no different. Once some of the things are off-kilter, usually because of the disruptive meanderings of human nature gone wild, ultimately it will affect the entire organism.
The Election in 2024 was a call to get back on track. To return to the rule of law. To inject the natural order of things, a common sense moral standard, back into our culture and American System. Everything, after all, was beginning to seem like it was in disorder. The election was a call for America to restore its foundational culture of life, family, values, and what’s right as we know it to be – to restore the rule of law to the parameters that we know it is supposed to be; truths self-evident.
Evil has gripped this country, or at least it has tightened its grip around the neck of the leadership of the Democratic Party and their allies in the media, academia, entertainment, and a few other seedy corners of the galaxy. But, darkness cannot operate well when the light is shined upon it. We recognized the dark path the Democrats have been marching down, and Americans responded. The leftwing madness was exposed, and America did not like it.
In the beginning when the spotlights began to touch the edges of their operations the Democrats tried to throw mirrors up in order to deflect the light. That is what the accusations of fascism and Hitler were all about. It was projection – deflection. They wanted to cover up how evil they are by making their opposition look more evil than them. That’s like smacking your finger with a hammer to make the pain of your big toe go away.
The purveyors of immorality realized they had to convince you that they are not the immoral ones, after all. They wanted you to believe that their madness was the actually path of the rule of law. Those who called for “life with no boundaries” needed to convince you that life with boundaries is a bad thing, and anyone who disagrees is as evil as the most evil ideology in modern history; fascism. When asked by Anderson Cooper on CNN if she believed Trump is a fascist, Kamala Harris said, “Yes, I do.” Hillary Clinton called the Madison Square Garden Rally by Trump a reenactment of a Nazi Rally in 1939. Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, seconded that opinion. They needed to make sure Trump looked so evil that you wouldn’t notice their dance down the path toward hellish ideas, policies and concepts. They tried to destroy the man with their words, media attacks, impeachment, lawfare, and ultimately they even tried to kill him.
Ultimately the whole thing was simply designed to cover up their own inequities – to shield you from realizing what their diabolical plans truly were..
The dangerous rhetoric was nothing new when it comes to the screaming pie holes of the leftist progressive commie Democrats, but it was reaching a new crescendo. Hitler. Nazi. Fascist. Genocide. Homophobe. Islamophobe. Apartheid. Sexist. Misogynist. White Supremacist. Racist. They grabbed for any word or phrase they could to convince you that Trump and his supporters are evil, and America would come to an end as we know it if Trump took the reins as President once again. The problem is, their false accusations trivializes evil. Words like Hitler and Fascism will begin to lose the true evilness that they are. On the back end, evil is not so evil if evil of the past was just their version of Trump, right?
It’s a version of class warfare, in the end. That’s what tyrants do. They divide people into groups, find a common enemy, and then set them at war against each other and as the chaos reaches its maximum potential they then come riding in claiming that they can fix all of the problems that they actually caused. It’s Cultural Marxism. The Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia, and pretty much every other communist or hard-core dictatorship has gone through it at some point in history. George Orwell warned us about it, using the same recipe book in his creation of the future society of Oceania. Winston Smith’s realizations, however, fell on deaf ears when it comes to those chasing after the policies of the Democrats. The party of the donkey somehow does not recognize the correlation, and in truth they see no harm in their damaging policies and ideas. Meanwhile, as the followers demand their false equity and Marxist concepts, the leadership has worked to throw shadows over their evil doings, and convince everyone that their opposition is the real enemy to fear. In this day and age, most Americans realize that we are not really a hyphenated society. We are, in the simplest way to put it, all Americans. And of the things we have in common are about our families, and our ability to financially survive. The direction of the country was headed in a wrong direction, and we knew because of our own pocketbooks, and what we were seeing with our eyes.
You know – truth self-evident.
Most people do not feel they are better off than they were four years ago. And, most Americans are not keen on the identity politics being used — the division created by political ideology and Cultural Marxism. We don’t want to be greatly divided. We want the American Dream without government poking its nose into our business. Simple as that.
We all have been in agreement that something was wrong, but we also on Election Night came to the agreement that the thing wrong with America was not Trump, nor the foundational principles of America. We know that we are drifting away from those principles, and we voted to stop the bleeding. We realized that we had exchanged our faith in constitutional principles, which have their foundation in Faith in God, and gave into the dark path of faith in politicians and government programs. The rule of law was tossed aside, uprooting the Bible as the foundation of the rule of law, and the rule of man was driven out there for a test drive. The thing is, when you embrace the rule of man, and toss aside the rule of law, it doesn’t take very long before you start dancing around a golden calf.
We realized something was seriously wrong.
Government is not our source of liberty, nor our rights. Those things are divinely dispensated. It does, after all, say in the Constitution’s Preamble, “Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” does it not? Blessings of Liberty. That’s a godly thing. And remember, we are endowed by our Creator with those rights – and the Constitution was ordained and established – created with the favor of God.
We are not free because government says so, and we do not have rights because government says so. We are free by virtue. We have liberty because God created us that way. The Constitution simply says that our rights belong to us, and the government has only limited authority to make laws that are necessary and authorized by the Constitution. Nothing more.
America has been prosperous and a shining beacon for the entire world because America is godly, and we have been (for the most part) recognizing and following the rule of law since our founding.
That is what this election was about. The Democrats, led this time by Kamala Harris, was telling us that God was to be denied, our natural rights are government’s to determine, and that their left-wing power is forward thinking. So, they aimed to stack the Supreme Court, stack Congress, and stack the presidency. And, they were willing to accomplish these things using everything at their fingertips, legal and illegal – be it non-citizen voting, tweaking the election, and passing laws to change our system to better fit their authoritarian desires.
This election stopped all of that … we hope.
They claimed they were trying to save the democracy. The Founding Fathers rejected democracy, and gave us a federal republic. Democracies are destructive, allowing the population centers to dominate everything, and vote away the rights of the minority populations that don’t play ball with their dreams of tyranny. The Democrats have been seeking a realignment of American Society away from the Constitution and its biblical foundation to a secular, collectivistic European-style socialist state, while fanning the flames of division between races, ethnicity, lifestyles, the sexes, and morality. They want you to believe America was founded upon racist ideals, and that America as it has been is irreversibly racist, so we don’t just need change, we need to completely do away with the old system. “We don’t want to go back,” they told us – a slogan based on the idea that the Constitution and the American System has been flawed from the beginning. In their minds, it all must be overthrown.
That’s what we stopped on Election Night. The overthrow of America. The true insurrection. The true insurgency. But what do we do now? How can we unteach the youth all of the “America is systematically racist” garbage that has been crammed into their brains?
It begins with God, and continues with education.
Keeping the Republic is a lot more laborious than saving a democracy. Keeping the Republic goes way beyond voting. And with all of the damage done, it is all hands on deck. The win on Election Day is not a call for complacency, it is a demand for doing everything we can to make sure that this country doesn’t follow the damaging leftist path again. We need to change the curricula back to foundational principles, create instructional materials that are in line with American foundational principles, and we need to flood the positions of education and politics with our Faith-grounded allies. You, my friends, may need to run for office, or get involved in the schools, or support those who are deep in the fight.
We need to combat the revolutionary agenda of leftwing insurrection and recognize that the way to do it is from the inside. We need to make sure Lawfare as it was waged against Trump simply because he was the opposition never happens again. We need to make sure that Voter ID becomes a constitutional amendment, not just law, to keep the socialists from playing the non-citizen voter game ever again. We need to shine a light on who the Democrats really are; that they are the true socialists and fascists of this age and that they operate in direct opposition to what our Constitution created. We need to shine a light on their lies and demonization of the truth – recognizing that the blurring of the lines between right and wrong is destructive. The Kamala Harris campaign lost not because of who she chose as running mate, or because men didn’t want a woman president, or because of some other racist or sexist reason. The Democrats lost because they warped their data, hold warped positions, and ignore that we are Americans – not various groups that need to be set against each other. Open borders, inflation, abortion, transgenderism, green “we’ve got to save the planet” obsessions, and all of the other racist and evil positions of the left-wing Democrats needs to be sent into the past never to resurface again.
Truth won.
Now, once Trump and the Republicans, take office, we need to make sure we get things done. Let’s stop China from buying up land in the United States. Let’s reignite the free market and send inflation packing. Let’s get away from the idea that the doctors should be drug-pushers and the free market ought not challenge the power of Obamacare or insurance companies. Let’s break up the cartel between government and the pharmaceutical industry. Let’s send the leftwing media packing by moving the public away from listening to and viewing their tripe. Let’s take action, I prefer through a constitutional amendment, to make sure election integrity shines bright and that non-citizens do not vote in any of our elections with a Voter ID amendment to the Constitution. Let’s keep the federal government out of the business of the States except when a need of resources like during a natural disaster happens – then let’s make sure agencies like FEMA operate as they were originally intended to. Let’s secure the border, reform our immigration laws to make it harder to illegally come into the country, yet make it more streamlined for those who do follow the law and wish to immigrate to this great country and be an assimilated productive member of our society. Let’s get back to our enemies around the world thinking twice about acting aggressively while simultaneously making sure those strategies do not include sending our military boots around the globe. Let’s protect places like Israel and Taiwan, and make China and Russia and the Islamic countries nervous again. Let’s do what we can to make sure Lawfare doesn’t rear its ugly head again, and ensure that all of the court cases against Trump go away. Let’s free all of those political prisoners that the Democrats had targeted – especially the January 6 people of which I fully expect Trump to pardon once in office. Let’s quit with the identity politics and move forward as Americans. Let’s end the transgender madness, take men out of women’s sports, and recognize this madness for what it is – a socially induced mental illness. Let’s unleash the free market by reducing taxes across the board, eliminate the taxes Trump has called for eliminating, work toward the day that the 16th Amendment is repealed, reduce government regulations, give back much of the governmental legislation needed for the free market back to the States, and use tariffs to bring manufacturing back to the United States. Let’s end climate extremism, recognize that the climate changes due to natural phenomenon and adjust to it rather than chase communism as the answer to “save the planet.” Let’s stop pushing to electrify everything. Let’s stop with the name-calling, the antifa and Black Lives Matter divisive antics, stop burning down our cities every time some lefty claims racism is on the rise, and stop trying to suspend our rights and the principles of the Constitution. Let’s punish criminals for committing crimes, and stand firm against our international enemies. Let’s stop being the culture of death and recognize that babies in the womb are people too and have a right not to be killed. Let’s stop trying to confuse the whole abortion argument by stopping all of the “life of the mother” arguments. In just about all cases where the mother’s life is in danger, the pregnancy is not one that will reach a healthy conclusion so terminating dangerous pregnancies is not abortion – they are medical procedures to save the life that can be saved. Let’s stand firm with Israel, and recognize that Islam in nearly all cases clings to its fundamental foundation and simply wants to spread around the world and stamp out every Jew and Christian in the process. Islam only understands a firm hand. Cease-fires and appeasement never works with Islam. Thomas Jefferson knew it, James Madison knew it, and Donald Trump knows it. Let’s not mess with the checks and balances created by the Founding Fathers, and that includes the filibuster rule. Checks and balances keeps tyranny at bay. Let’s kill every law that targets gasoline powered engines, restore incandescent lighting as a choice for consumers, stop any talk about ridiculous taxation or price controls, let’s stop trying to convince children to chemically sterilize themselves, let’s stop forcing our daughters to share locker rooms with boys who think they’re girls, let’s return education back to teaching our kids how to read – write – and do math, let’s get our preachers back to a moral stance and for them to act as community leaders who are not afraid to talk about the issues, let’s restore critical thinking, let’s create a new trustworthy media, let’s restore civil discourse, let’s eventually do away with the Federal Reserve, let’s do away with the 17th Amendment and reverse Reynolds v. Sims so we can start marching down the road of restoring the republic, let’s stop selling our military secrets to the highest bidders and/or China, let’s reignite a vibrant space program, and let’s get back to the original principles of the Constitution as they relate to liberty, the free market, and the federal government’s role in our lives.
On all of these things the Republican Party needs to unify. One of the problems during the first Trump presidency was that too many Republicans had fallen for the Democratic Party’s negative rhetoric, and even though Trump had both Houses of Congress during the first two years, he got little legislative support. Let’s not fall for that again. Let’s all work together to restore what we had, and frankly, to Make America Great Again.
— Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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