By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

I spend time with many political groups, some as a member, and many as a speaker.  I have visited Tea Party groups and Republican clubs throughout California (Hire me if you need a speaker on the Constitution) and a few groups in other States, and I am always one of the youngest folks in the room (and I’ve got seven grandchildren, so that says something).  The 55 and older crowd is very involved in politics, the younger folks not so much.  However, many of the gray hairs I talk to say they weren’t really into the political thing until the last decade, or so.

Why is it that as we get older we finally start to “get it” when it comes to politics?

There’s an old saying.  If you’re under thirty and not a Democrat, you have no heart.  If you’re older than thirty and not a Republican, you have no brain.

I am thinking that age has moved to 40, of late.

Why do we care?  Why should we care?  Why are the youngsters so easily taken in by left-wing socialist pukes with promises of rainbows, unicorns, and free health care when in reality what they offer is authoritarian equality in misery that can’t be paid for, nor sustained?

What amazes me most is that politicians run their mouths an awful lot, most of them lie most of the time (especially the lefties), yet we believe the crap that flows out of their pie holes.

They talk deceptively, they mainly do things for their own self-interests, and they pander to those they think will most likely vote for their false promises and jaded gifts from the treasury.

So, why do we listen?  Why do we believe them?  Why do we keep reelecting them?

That said, we are all actually political animals.  Yes, even the young idiots who haven’t even figured out how to stop being immature children, yet scream when we don’t give them the adult treatment they think they deserve.  Our politics change, however, depending upon who we are, where we are, and what we are.  In our early years our politics are confined to our interactions with our immediate family, and beyond that we don’t know anything from a hole in the ground.  Then our schools, friends, enemies, and a bunch of people we don’t know, slowly ooze into our political world.  We work to recognize corruption and fairness, often missing the mark badly.  We learn from our mistakes, we grow from our idiocies, and some of us grow up and become conservatives.  The rest of the sorry dummies remain trapped in the emotion-ridden party of feelings and stupidity.

When did it all begin?

It all began with a serpent.

Decisions, choices, and whether or not we should give in to our human nature and think we are gods, began in a garden somewhere, and from there we’ve been in a downward spiral.

No wonder we no longer live as long as people like Methuselah.  That much political stupidity (and political sin) rotting our bodies makes it so that we can’t survive the assault of a rotting political society.  It’s an awful lot of stress, and an early death is likely a desired to escape before the next generation of idiots makes it worse.

The thing is, we’ve been down this road before.  What’s that old saying?  Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.  So, why don’t we learn from history?

Often it’s because the tyrants erase history, cover up history, or rewrite history.  It begins with pulling down statues, and tweeking textbooks.  It ends with Orwellian New Speak (a.k.a. political correctness).

The truth is obvious, but somehow nobody seems to be able to recognize it.

Unarmed citizens are subjects, more government leads to bondage, and liberty requires a virtuous society and radical individualism to operate properly.  Liberty only prospers in a system where things are left to take their own course with as little governmental engineering as possible.  It works every time.  And while we’re at it, we can throw some localism (let local issues be taken care of by local characters only) into the bubbling pot of stew, too.

What has worked is what the early Americans pulled off.  A republic (not a pure democracy, like today’s morons try to convince you of) that requires constant maintenance, an armed public, two constituencies who naturally check each other (in our case, We the People, and the States), and a firm grip on a good moral compass (Christianity has worked wonders for the descendants of those who came to the New World seeking religious freedom on the eastern shores of North America).

Why would we even listen to the morons who are calling for change?  All we need to do is conserve (and in many cases, return to) the foundational principles set forth in the United States Constitution (and those principles that were screamed for through the Declaration of Independence).

If we don’t, we die.

Politics is life or death.  Venezuela can definitely serve as a shining example of what happens when a society embraces communalism (utopianism, socialism, communism, progressivism, etc. etc.).  So can Cuba.  China.  Cambodia.  Vietnam.  The Soviet Union.  Detroit.  Chicago.  New York.  California.

If we don’t remain involved in politics, and we let the politicians follow the time proven path to failure and authoritarianism, we will wind up in bondage, and many of us will die along the way.

More people have died from leftist politicians than anything else in history.  The Black Book of Communism has documented those cases, and the numbers, and the methods of killing people who dared to stand against the tyrants, is mind-numbing.

They (those who oppose the U.S. Constitution and conservatism) are doing everything they can to destroy liberty, and lead us to the same place that always raises its evil head in history.

Is that a good enough reason to consider politics important?  Is life and death a good enough reason?

I think so.

Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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