Constitution Radio
Douglas V. Gibbs
KMET 1490-AM
Saturdays, 1-3 pm Pacific
Podcast at
Call in Number: 951-922-3532
- Frederick Douglass had something to say about Independence Day
- Certification of a Presidential Election … but, in the long run, it may not matter …
- Packet Captures
- First of all, according to the courts, Fraud vitiates everything…
- MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says that his “cyber experts” have “packet captures” claiming that they are “100 percent non-subjective evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. And, According to Lindell, “we have all the packet captures for the whole election.”
- Lindell will be holding a conference in August to reveal the evidence. August 10, 11, and 12, location to be announced July 4. And, will hold a mock election during the event to show how the whole think went down.
- The debate is fierce, but Lindell says the evidence is 100% irrefutable, has a case ready for the Supreme Court, and they will side with him 9-0.
- Georgia wants Electoral Votes Back … Georgia Audit is in motion
- New York finds more ballots and voters
- Pennsylvania says they are ready to perform an audit
- China and the globalists push forward, anyway
- Gun Sanctuary Movement
- Vaccination Dangers piling up
- High number of severe reactions and deaths from the COVID Vaccine
- Bill Gates calls it Hacking the Software of Life (begins at 6 minute mark)
- One tyrannical judge to folks on probation, “Get the jab or go to jail“
- Based on CDC logic, there is no need for the jab
- Freedom of Association and the U.S. Supreme Court: Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta
- Ring the bell for the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
- One America News releases new social media site: FreeTalk45
- Mr. Constitution Radio Reach expands into San Diego County, KPRZ