Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host
From an email:
In regards to article 17, the reason it was implemented in 1913 is that’s the same year the USA was sold to the Central bank as a bailout from our Revolutionary war.
My Response:
I appreciate your interest. It is actually not Article 17, it is Amendment 17 (making it the 24th article). The theory is not accurate. Our debt for the Revolutionary War was paid in full by 1836, at which time the national debt was fully paid off for about two months (then it went up again thanks to skirmishes with Mexico) and it was primarily repaid to France’s government and Holland, not the European central bank which had not even formed yet. There were competing banking groups, but until the Rothschilds gained control, nothing had been fully centralized. The Rothschild’s banking empire first emerged in London in 1798, France in the 1850s, Austria in the 1820s, Italy in the 1830s, and the Zionist/Kazarian connection didn’t emerge until 1868. The Geneva/Swiss one wasn’t established until 1953. The banking cartel forming in Europe, basically by the Rothschild Family, didn’t get into funding wars until the 1850s, and they quickly discovered it was a bad investment, at least back then, and backed off the practice for the sake of sticking to investments with higher percentage returns. At the time of the Revolutionary War, our debt was with governments, not bankers. Our debt was to France who gave us money because they hated Britain, and Holland who was at the time operating on the Saxon System, which was a large basis of our own system, and therefore they were kindred spirits and easily had the funding to help. Eventually, however, our credit with those countries was not very good, and they stopped loaning us money. A Jewish banker in New York, a patriot who believed in independence and loved the United States, Haim Salomon, began funding the war, first with his own money, then on his credit. He died penniless and was never paid back, but his contribution was for independence, not an opportunity for profit.